
Why did the Jonas Brothers commit the error of singing a Beatles song? Who do they think they are?? ?

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They cannot equal themselves to the Beatles or even level themselves!!! That's just insane and make me think that they think that they're the best thing right now that they could eve "sing a Beatles lyric"

Common! that's to much, why on earth would they do that??




  1. calm down! they didn't want to be compared to the beatles, they were just asked to do it for a target bonus DVD and they said they tried as hard as they could not to dissapoint any beatles fans so don't blame them for making a song. they said not everybody was going to like it since they changed up the lyrics and sound.

  2. They didn't put this song on their cd or play it in concerts. It actually sound pretty good.

  3. They made me dislike that song. Ugh.

  4. well i mean, you're talking about the target commercials right ?

    there was already some lady singing it, nobody got mad at her.

    andd, they paid them to sing for the commercial.

    if someone thought you sang super beautifully and they wanted

    YOU to sing that song for the commercial, and get paid

    wouldn't you do it ?

    or would you refuse to because you're not as good as the Beatles?

    seriously people.

  5. They were paid big bucks.

    They like money.

  6. Haha, are you talking about that "hello hello" song in the target commercials? yeah...seriously....

  7. they didnt just go out and sing the song, someone who has ownership of the beatles songs offered for them to do it, duh. and i think they have the right to sing the song.. they are the most popular band of their time. just like the jonas brothers, the beatles had haters, too. just because you hate the jonas brothers doesnt mean they cant sing the song. get over it, the jonas brothers arent going to break up for stupid haters like you. STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM IF YOU HATE THEM SO MUCH!

  8. They should go to prison for this. The Beatles are legends! Their NOT!

  9. I know, I cringe every time i see those target commercials and the one for some hotel that has With a Little Help From My Friends

  10. Oh-My-God. GET A HITMAN RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolol. No..but really. ha im joking, but seriously. *Cough* Why the **** WOULD THEY DO THAT?!?! This is a crime! Wat the h**l. Thats just not right.  

  11. um. hmm. lets see. who cares? ppl need to quit hating on the jo bros. im not that big of a fan. but im tired of the pathetic ppl complaining about a 3 teenaged boys who are like half their age.

    You can dance .. you can jive .. having the time of your life

    See that girl .. watch that scene .. diggin' the dancing queen ♥♥♥.

  12. the know! they didnt want to sing it at first!!!

    Get their new CD with their DVD  {at Target} and they said they know most people are mad...btw, other ppl have "ruined" their song before the JoBros!!!


    Well this is a biased question..ever think of the fact that they got paid to do it?..They knew that the jonas brothers were pop sensations..and little girls were about to start school..they appeared/sang in a target makes them want to wear target clothes, or get target supplies.

    even if i knew i wasnt great (even though jonas brothers are) ..and target handed me a big fat check to sing in their commercial..i'd do it.


    its all about money money money..

  14. its not that big of a deal.

    it was for some little target commercial

    i know, i dont like it when people say they are beating the beatles out because the beatles are legends.. and they may be big.. but not beatles big.

    but for that tiny commercial

    i dont take it offensively

  15. Hertz, and you are?

  16. They should be killed

  17. Seriously, NOBODY is allowed to cover a Beatles song, not even a GOOD band.  

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