
Why did the Maoist Internationalist Movement USA disband?

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Why did the Maoist Internationalist Movement USA disband?

I found their theory that all first world workers formed an "labor aristocracy" very interesting. According to them all American workers were actually OVERPAID and lived off the backs of the third world. They saw class conflict as Third World vs First world, not bourgeoisie vs proletarian.




  1. I was not aware that the MIM HAD disbanded.The problem for the MIM is that while they claim a relationship with other revolutionary parties, the other parties do not claim a relationship with MIM-USA.

    I think you have misunderstood a basic tenet of MIM theory if you don't think they believe in the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie and ruling classes. It is in fact just about all they do believe in.

    Neither do the believe that American workers live of the backs of the third world. In fact they believe that American workers are exploited too. In fact they believe that ALL workers are exploited, simply because as yet, no country has achieved the MIM 'state of grace' where the peasants control everything and the bourgoisie and the ruling classes are all in re-education camps.

    The problem of the MIM is simply that it is short of funds due to a dwindling membership, and due to the fact that as it's ideas of Marxist-Leninist- Maoist theory clashes with the beliefs of the numerous Marxist, Leninist and Maoist organisations and the various combinations of them around the world, it can no longer count on any support from overseas. It has a history of eventually disagreeing with and criticising its former friends, because it believes itself to be the only true revolutionary communist party, and  always right. A not uncommon belief of many political parties!

    It has recently criticised Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and China, and told them they are all wrong!

    MIM believes that the Cultural Revolution in China led to the highest form of Communism, (no mention of the millions that Chinese that died of starvation, and through fighting), and that the proletariat everywhere should be rising up against a new breed of 'revisionists' and 'running dogs'running present communist countries.

    You can have a look at a bit of their theory at the below link.There is plenty more on their website.

  2. They sent them to Gitmo!

  3. Basically because Americans dont think that Communism is a very good idea, Brits dont think that Communism is a very good idea.!

                              We have a very luke warm sort of Socialism in the UK at the moment, In fact very luke warm.

                               'New' Labour in the UK of course understand that our folk have been brain washed to think that Socialism is a dirty word, and that Communism should not really be mentioned at all!

                                 OK I understand that! We have in the UK a (sort) of two party system, The 'Cons' as I call them , and they really are cons!!

                                   And this 'new' labour thing, not much difference really.

                                    I want to see all folk given a job, I want to see all those that cant work looked after, I want to see houses provided for all!

                                      I must be some sort of Commie Bas*ard?

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