
Why did the Marines get upset when they observed my Muslim lady friend?

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Stopped in at the Big Boy restaurant with my Muslim friend and the USA Marines inside the Restaurant got all shook up. Why?




  1. i would not be upset personally, either they were an ignorant group or she did something, even something minor, to upset them.and if they were TRULY upset **** would have hit the fan so im sure they werent all that mad.

  2. Are you 100% positive they were Marines?  I didn't think Marines were aloud to wear there uniforms off base for such purposes as eating at Bob's Big Boy.

  3. I doubt they even noticed you.  There would be no reason for them to be concerned with you and your friend, unless you were armed.

    I guess they could have been upset about the food.  Did they recognize your lady friend as a buddy's wife?

    You are just being paranoid, I'm sure.

  4. How on earth could we know.  Was she loud and arrogant (I am not saying she is, I am just asking)?  Did she sneer at them?  You tell us.  There had to be a reason.

    I am a Marine, I've never been bothered by them.  h**l, we're even dieing to protect them in Iraq.  We're training them, and we're working with them everyday.  There are even Muslims in the Marine Corps.

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