
Why did the Muslim only get 8 yrs in jail?

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If a white bloke killed a muslim you would hear about on every channel of every news station every 3 seconds about a racist attack and the white bloke would get 25 years in jail.

So why 8 years ? Why the lack of 'Racist' news coverage?

Is this just yet another discriminating case against white English?




  1. No, it's not. 8 years is a fairly average sentence. And you would only hear about if it was religion related. Also who says all white people aren't muslims?

    Go back to your BNP conference.

  2. The convicted man was convicted of manslaughter, not murder. Eight years is quite harsh for manslaughter, which can have a sentence from probation to life imprisonment. I think he was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of provocation: he had been tormented by his neighbour for years and finally snapped during an argument. I only know what I heard on TV and read in the newspapers and, based on that, I don't think this is an unduly lenient or unduly harsh sentence.

  3. Is this just yet another discriminating case against white English

    Yes it is  

  4. I totally agree with you. Yes I do think it would have been different if a white man had killed a muslim. If he had have been given more years he would probably shouted 'racism'

  5. Sorry, but I think you need to post us a link or a lot of people are not going to know what you are talking about.

  6. Provocation is the key word here and the difference between murder which is pre planned and manslaughter which covers acts in the heat of the moment.The sentence reflects this difference .Its not enough to say that someone was killed and to simply complain about the sentence without also appreciating this difference

  7. yes i suppose it is, i completely agree that racism is drifting further away from the world. xx

  8. First of all, the person who went to jail is not a 'muslim' because if he/she WAS, he wouldn't have killed a person. It's stated in the Koran that you are not a muslim if you have killed a human being, and i learned it in my college course on islam. Also, i've never heard of this. Do you have a link to a page or something?

  9. If you look at most of the answers when religion is a topic the left always brings up how bad Christians are. Muslims tend to get a free ride. For that case most other religions do. The left constantly proves the Bible correct by persecuting Christians.

  10. Manslaughter, not murder.  

  11. who cares ? how long do you think the guy will last in prison ? he is gonna get some harsh treatment

  12. Well it's not racially motivated if you're *provoked* by a racist BNP supporter.

    It'a very difficult to help defend a bigot, whatever the cause of his death.

  13. This case went before an open court, with a jury who found Habib Khan guilty of manslaughter, not murder.

    This was based on the victim, Keith Brown's prolonged campaign of racist abuse and violence towards his neighbour.

    The jury (not the judge, or the state) found that Khan had acted way beyond what was reasonable in the circumstances, but that the provocation he had suffered, and the fact that the killing was not pre-meditated meant this was a manslaughter. 8 years is a pretty standard sentence for this sort of incident.

    Keith Brown was not a member of the BNP, but he was a racist thug with convictions for violence against Habib Khan. He did not, however, deserve to die and this sentence reflects this.

    Since the BNP and Nick Griffin are trying to distance themselves from their National Front days of racist intimidation and violence, it seems odd that they are trying to make a martyr out of Keith Brown, whose history of violence and racist abuse seems to be exactly what they say they have left behind. If we can believe them.

    EDIT PRIVATE: Our swastika toting friend trots out the old nonsense - "those who don't think like us have been brainwashed by the media and the state".

    Does anyone else think it's odd that it's only the superior intellects of the BNP, and other assorted n***s and racists that seem to be able to resist this brainwashing?

  14. Because Keith Brown by being associated with the BNP effectively became a second -class citizen whose life wasn't worth as much as someone who followed the officially prescribed multi-racial ideology. In addition to this the media, particularly the BBC, ignores ethnic violence against  White Britons as it effectively points out what a total disaster multi-culturalism has been. If you doubt the last sentence I suggest you google Stephen Lawrence and then  google Kriss Donald- compare the level of coverage in each case.

    I can't help but point out that of the two people involved in this the supposed 'racist thug' is the one dead and the one not carrying the knife.

    Also Keith Brown WAS STABBED IN THE BACK!

    I suggest that people read the Times article below as the story of  campaigns of racist abuse and violence supposedly perpetrated by Mr Brown may well be untrue--

  15. link please

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