
Why did the Packers get rid of Bret Farve?

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Why did the Packers decide to trade Bret Farve to the Jets insted of keeping him?




  1. I really think they wanted to get rid of him they offered 20 mill to get out of the nfl but farve said no so they traded him

  2. Because they are idiots.

    But that's the obvious answer... I personally think that TT thinks Rodgers is his golden boy... remember this is the guy that TT hand picked first year in to take the reigns and has pretty much wanted Brett out since year two... There are prominent signs that Favre was screwed over big time and it became even more apparent that he was screwed when he said his purpose for wanting to go to MN was vindictive and that he came to the realization that two games a year wasn't worth the stink...

    I personally think TT is a horrible gm and has gave a lot of good players a nice poke in the butt... I can't wait to see him go...  

  3.   they didnt get rid of him , he retired and then tried to come back and they didnt take him ... he needs to think things out before making such a huge decision

  4. because bretts ego got in the way of the team and money.

  5. They got traded him because Favre couldn't get past the hard feelings he felt because they didn't welcome him with open arms.  He said on Tuesday (and I am paraphrasing) that he doesn't know if he can get past all the things they said about him.  They couldn't come to an agreement.  McCarthy said they were willing to have him compete for the spot but in their conversations, they never got to that point to discuss it.  McCarthy just got tired and decided to grant him his wishes to be traded but on their terms.  

  6. bc they're dumb asses  

  7. they traded him becuz back in march and april they asked him if he was commited to coming back in the nfl and playing for the greenbay packers and he said "no"  and so the packers decided to move forward and stick with aaron rodgers. i would of done the same thing too becuz i would get fed up if a player said they didnt want to come back but then kept changing their mind. but then agian i would keep him becuz he is like a legend.  

  8. The Packers didn't get rid of Brett Favre,he retired with tears in his eyes,then he all of a sudden unretires and expect the Packers to just rearrange everything for him,he's been threatening on retiring for years now,and the Packers got fed up with him,I used to think Brett Favre was one of the greatest football players ever and I'm not even a Packer fan,now I think he's a self centered,narcisstic,spotlight hungry Prima Donna  



    The team moved on without him, that's what you do when players retire.

    No one "forced" him to retire, no one held a gun to his head and made him do it. If he just would have made it clear then that he still wanted to play, they could have handled the whole thing differently and both sides could have been satisfied.

    There is no one to blame for the whole thing except Favre.

    And yes, they probably will be chanting for Favre.

    Just when their starting QB needs their support the most and wants to feel welcomed and comfortable on a team he has belonged to for 3 years.

    But no, he will have to play with all the fans harrassing and heckling him from the stands.

    The fans have made it clear to Rodgers that they hate him and don't want him on their team.

    So, hopefully he has a great year.

    He is in the last year of his contract. So hopefully he leaves all the unappriecative and hateful fans behind and signs a big contract with another team who's fans will be happy to have him.

    It's disappointing.

    All I ever heard my whole life was how great the Packer fans were.

    They have clearly shown their true colors through this whole thing.

  11. Because Ted Thompson doesn't like Farve.  

  12. Because he is getting old and they want to move on with the future.He needs to decide between retiring and playing.

  13. because they are putting their trust in a hippie bum named aaron rogers.................the packers are dumb

  14. I don't know, but that was a HORRIBLE move. You don't trade Brett Favre...  

  15. Because, Favre retired and then decided to come back in after the whole off season without any considerations for how hard Aaron Rogers worked all off season to be the starting QB.  It's like he said, I retired, but hey, I'm Brett Favre, and I'm going to come back in and start.  The packers said nuh uh and the rest is history.  

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