
Why did the Pistons sign Kwame Brown?

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They just signed their death wish! Not that I hate the Pistons but DANG! Are the manager's on crack or something? NOOOOOOOO Pistons are one of my favorite teams in the east! What are your thoughts? The only positive I see is that Kwame will be able to guard the paint but thats it....




  1. Pistons ur favorite team to stay in east final again. Why they got him ask Joe Dumar who  planed out that Pistons should stay in east final for next 1yrs or so.  

  2. If Kwame just works on his shot he'll be like a sf or a pf and Detroit need defense.

  3. so Rasheed can go to power forward and Mcdyess and Maxiell will be subs

  4. mcdyses and wallace need some help with D

  5. Kwame Is a pretty ok player is just that people think he sucks because he dissapointed as a first round pick

  6. i dont know but sounds like they might be in for a trade?

  7. Detroit needs size and interior defense. Kwame, off the bench, provides both. He's not going into Detroit replacing anybody. He's not going into Detroit as the savior of the franchise. He's going into Detroit as a backup F/C who will provide relief to McDyess or Wallace when they get tired, considering they are both old.

    Last year, they got killed because their backup C was Theo Ratliff...another older player with health issues. This team is looking as if they are missing their last shots of winning a title. Kwame won't win them the title, but they need the help. They need the youth and they need the size.

    Considering they didn't draft him first overall, place the franchise on his shoulder, or kill their cap for him, I'd say it's a good signing.

  8. He's better than you any day......And he plays excellent defense

  9. for D

  10. because joe dumars wants to win the championship. maybe. also mcdyess is getting old.  

  11. As a Pistons fan i thought it was a wrong move too.

    But remember when they brought C.Billups in and look at what he became also remember B.Wallace, also A.McCdyess

    also remember when no one wanted Prince but Joe D took him and now he is good.

    and now i think it's a good move cause he can get K.Brown to play very good.;...  

  12. you just answered your question, guarding the paint and rebounding.  thats the only reason they got him, they need a true center and he fits that role.  theyre just trying to replace what ben was for them.

  13. Dont judge yet dude.

    You never know, probably Kwame will have his best years in Detroit

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