
Why did the Queen hate Princess Diana so much?

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The Queen was hundred times worse than Diana and now hated all around the world. Why did she hate beautiful Diana? Though Diana did some crazy stuff, Charles was worse. But why did the Queen have no remorse for Diana?

Thanks.... a late question but better than never!




  1. Where on earth did you get that tidbit of information from?  It was quite the opposite, Diana and the Queen had a very, very good relationship.

  2. Because everybody liked Diana more than

  3. Probably Queen Diana was not the type that worship people, even the Queen. she was not the eye service type.

  4. i think she disapproved of her behavior

  5. I think the Queen bent over backwards to accommodate Diana. While the Queen was raised differently and to not show emotion, she allowed Diana to indulge herself, hoping, I believe, that Diana would some day grow up and into the position she would have as Queen. When it became apparent that Diana wouldn't or couldn't and that the marriage was a wreck, the Queen allowed the divorce to take place.

    The divorce was for the good of the boys, the nation, the commonwealth and Diana and Charles.

    I think you've very unkind to suggest the Queen hated Diana. A more relevant question is why did Diana's family treat her so badly? Her brother refused to allow her to live on the family estate. Her mother didn't speak to her. And her sisters barely communicated to her. If there was hatred towards Diana, I think a lot came from the Spencer side.

  6. I do not think that she did hate Lady Diana...but on the other hand, depending the way the Queen has been raised...

    Diana did things very differently and it was probably a bit embarssing for the Queen...and most of all, for Duke of Edinburg.

  7. The answer is nobelness. She was not from the royalty, she did not have royal blood, so the Queen was not vey happy about that.

    The same thing happened to Grace Kelly, she came from the U.S. and was an actress, so she was not well-looked upon.

  8. Jealous!

  9. I think the queen needs to keep the broomstick up her you know what and Diana was a free and lively and loving person and mother,and the queen knew about Camella and charles even before the marriage but he could not marry her because she could not produce an heir to the he married Diana just to produce an heir,queenie makes up her own rules as she goes,and she should reign forever because I never want to see Charles as king,maybe william eventually or maybe get rid of the monarchy.

  10. That's a bit harsh! I am a true Diana fan and an anti royalist but I don't believe that the Queen hated Di. Prince Phillip didn't think a lot of her and I think it was him that caused a lot of grief within their marriage.

    The only really guilty people here are Charles and Camilla!

  11. Mirror, mirror on the wall.........

  12. This relation has inherent hatred and Diana also made the matters worse by promiscuity , what the h**l she was doing in the car with that fellow Dodi, or whatever, in that fatal crash in Paris.even some people say, that it was a sabotage.. ;) .  

    it was Diana ,who provided opportunity to Camela Parker Bowles to come into the scenario.

    women have to be decent and submissive, especially if the pride of Royal family is at stake and the whole world is watching them..

  13. I dont think the Queen hated Diana.  I do think the media played this to the hilt.  How do we know what goes on behind closed doors?  

    I cried when Diana died.  It was a tragic loss for us all.

  14. You need to get your facts right. Did you know all Italians belong to the Mafia?

  15. I don't think the queen hated anybody.  I think Diana was a very emotional young lady.  The queen had been raised not to display emotions.  The two couldn't relate.  Diana thought the queen had no compassion.  The queen thought Diana was hysterical.

  16. she is < DIANA>  no eny one

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