
Why did the Russians Attack Georgia and does this mean that Russian are again in cold war?

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Why did the Russians Attack Georgia and does this mean that Russian are again in cold war?




  1. ok this is how this happened. GEORGIA ATTACKED RUSSIA. Not this hole Russia is the enemy thing. Russia responded and invaded Georgia and didn't pull out to give the "message don't mess with us" And there will not be another intelligence war (cold war) because if where swart we should stay out of it and stop being the "protector of all country's"

  2. In a nutshell.

    1) Georgia ATTACKED South Ossetia first killing Russian peacekeepers that were in the region, then starts to bomb Tskhinvali. Keep in mind - that is done at night. No warning given. Georgian troops level the city almost to the ground, kill about 1600 civilians, and drive the rest out of town.

    2) Russia steps in a day later to prevent the further genocide of Ossetians.

    3) Georgian president screams bloody murder and tells everybody how Russia just invaded his country for no good reason.

    4) Russia defeats Georgia, destroys their weapons and heads home...

    Here in US  of A we sit down with popcorn and a coke watching fake news and saying "Baaad Russians".  

  3. They never stopped cold war, only naives could believe in Russian changes.  They take advantage that nobody wants to fight with them despite US's strong support to Georgia and terrorize small country as much as they can.  There is no ethnic conflict in Georgia and as long as maps exist those both regions (Abhazia and South Ossetia) were in Georgia's terrotory and Russia shamelessly creates lies about genocides of Ossetians.  All they do just devour other territories when they know they will be winners.  Here is what some famous Russian writers say about Russians:  "Russians are biggest andmost insolent liars in the world" (I. Turgienev), "Russians are people that stroll in the Europe and is seeking what to destroy for pleasure" (F. Dostoyevski)

  4. O.K .. russia feel strong enough for giving answers to western world .. like this.

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