
Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan in 1979?

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What was the purpose of this war?




  1. In 1978, the Parcham party took over the country in a coup d'etat by ousting then president Mohammed Daoud Khan. The Parchams were sympathetic toward the Soviet Union and they formed the country of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Once in power, the Parchams implemented an authoritarian socialist agenda by suppressing religious freedoms such as men were obligated to shave their beards, women couldn’t wear burqas and mosques were placed off limits. The Parchams invited the Soviets to assist in modernizing its economic structure and such. In December 1978, the Soviets and Parchams signed a treaty that allowed for Soviet military intervention in case upon request. This is basically the key element. Just like with the Taliban, the Parchams oppressed many factions of Afghanistan who decided to rebel especially the mujahideen. During this time, the current president of Afghanistan Taraki was assassinated by Amin who took power. KGB intelligence showed Amin was trying to bring the interest of Pakistan and the United States into Afghan security. The Soviets grew paranoid of this and suspected him to being a CIA agent. Shortly after this, the Soviets invaded.  


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