
Why did the Supreme court put the hurt on President Bush?

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The detainees must now have their day in court.




  1. He's be an idiot if he honors that.  The supreme court lacks Jurisdiction.  But then he is in fact an Idiot so he probably will.

  2. You do realize that the Congress also approved this program don't you?

  3. The Supreme Court is merely acting responsibly.  Any hurt there is to Bush is the result of his own actions.

  4. They didn't.  

    They put the Hurt on America.

  5. Because he disregards our whole constitution when he feels the urge. Now he is waving the Geneva Convention which is only is force in time of war which this clearly is not. The laws of the world are not suspended every time some Bush invades Irag, Afganistan, Panama City, or anyplace else they feel the need. People are held for years for no reason, and then we're surised that they become our enemy.

  6. Enemy combatants are not covered by the Constitution, they are covered by the Geneva Convention and may be held for the duration of the conflict.  


    Imagine what language we would be speaking today if n***s taken on the battlefield had been allowed to sue their captors!

    This ruling is insanity at its apex.  These so called justices should be immediately summoned to testify before Congress and the nation to either resign publicly or face our wrath.  All Americans who die because of this ruling are now their responsibility.  The next time a former Gitmo detainee kills Americans, these former justices need to be arrested and put on trial for treason.

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