
Why did the U.S. Congress rob the treasury and leave an I.O.U. debt of $10 trillion?

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Please list how you think they would explain this situation? And if there is no compelling excuse, why do we allow them to roam free?




  1. and this is why the congress has an approval rating in the single digits.

  2. Why over simplify a question and do it on false pretext, to the point it can't be answered because it's not even a valid question?

    Why do they roam free? Because they didn't break any law. Of course they make the law, so that helps them.

    The short and simple answer is that they are looking out for number one, and you ain't it.

    Why did the author of the social security system get off scott free? It was a economic patch that anyone knew could not be sustained and would blow up in our faces one day, but they got applauded for it, and now it's blowing up in our faces, and they are gone. I guess to many people are either stupid or corrupt and evil and put up with that kind of garbage. Big government with to much power will always work to benefit it's members and not those it governs unless that helps them. We need to remember this, and have the guts and brains to think long term, because anything else erodes the country and it's citizens well being in the long run, and sooner or later everything is the long run.

  3. The US has not been in the black since Stonewall Jackson. Republican Congress and Senate with a Republican White House...And no checks and balances.

  4. bush is the first pres in history to start a war yet not raise taxes to pay for it . why does he refuse to release an inventory of the national gold stockpile ? is it gone ? Ds and Rs have become very corrupt . im voting Nader .

  5. Because they're DEMOCRATS!!

  6. To railroad dave:

    Read the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of 1913.

    That should answer your question about the gold inventory.

    What may be LEGAL(Look at a DOLLAR) may not necessarily be lawful(carefully read the constitution.)ACTS, CODES, REGULATIONS are all LEGAL terms. But are they lawful under the constitution?If you apply for a LOAN at a BANK.......isn't that referred to as a NOTE?(Again look at a dollar)

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