
Why did the U.S. go to war with Iraq instead of going to war with North Korea?

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But Iraq doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. we already figured that out. And North Korea does, as a matter of fact, have nuclear weapons. So...




  1. was, is, and always will be a priority. Where would we be without OIL?  Think about it.

  2. How many barrels of oil does North Korea sit on ?

    There you go....

  3. No oil in North Korea, also they actually have real nuclear weapons, and every school bully knows to pick on the kid without a baseball bat and accuse him of having one as an excuse to beat his azz

  4. We have already been to war with North Korea and there not much of a threat. We could level them in a matter of minuets. With the Iraqis, that is a different story. First of all, they attacked us. Second of all, they want to kill us. And thirdly, if they get nuclear weapons were in big doodoo.

  5. OIL

  6. North Korea would have kicked their butt in one day and has no oil. The  US traded their young soldiers life with oil

  7. The Bush and Company has their interests on the Oil of Iraq and they have their great confidence on  fooling Americans to make believe the war is to save them only, so he could do that. Added, there is no power behind Saddam to support and to oppose the US!

    But, the North Korea has full backing of China, so the US could do nothing there! In fact the People's Republic of Korea is a communist state and has well developed nuclear arsenal with missile to launch and hit the shores of USA , though this is not been verified because any blind testing was never carried out by them !

  8. We're suppost to  it's called national interest. If you don't like it go live with the swiss or something. They don't fight over anything. Oh Twin towers, Alkidea,

  9. Because Bush wanted to get even with Saddam for trying to kill his daddy. Because the neocons wanted to protect Israel. And because Rumsfeld didn't think there were enough targets in Afghanistan.

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