
Why did the U.S. stop the draft for 1976 young men?

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There was two years that young men did not have to sign up for the draft tell me why!!!




  1. The biggest issue used by anti-Vietnam protesters was the unfairness of the draft, so politicians did way with the draft. Didn't follow this closely, so it seems after draft was stopped it was longer than two years before they started mandatory signing up for selective service which was never stopped. It may have been voluntary two years you speak about.

  2. due to the unpopular wars....although I wish they would have had the draft now because then the Democrats would definitely get in....

  3. It was too politically unpopular at that time.  Males still have to register when they turn 18 years old.

    And, the U.S. Supreme Court has not declared Selective Service unconstitutional.  There were "drafts" during the American Civil War, WW I, WW II, Korea, and Viet Nam.  And, as stated above, there is still a mandatory requirement to register at 18 for all American males.

  4. Why have a draft when we have 100 million gun owners able to defend this homeland? Why have a draft when we have not had a foreign army invade our mainland since 1812?

    If anyone bombed our navy in the seas and tried to occupy our country, they would get ambushed by our armed populace. Why have a draft?

    The founding fathers were also against standing armies which is why they came up with the second amendment because an armed populace is the best defense of the homeland.

  5. How?

  6. fatsousa has it dead right!

  7. The viet nam war ended and the supreme court decided it was unconstitutional.

  8. Because people were sick and tired of the Viet Nam War,and the government thought that a volunteer army could function more effectively,and generate a bigger supply of cannon fodder by paying more.and providing better benefit.That's no longer true however.

  9. they found in viet nam that so many ran into other countries and they dont' really want someone that does not want to be into the military so they stopped the draft now there are so many wanting to come in but alot of them aren't smart enough to make it but they are lowering standards and now they are getting some really bad people int he mix and therefore they are going to have to stop this sooner or later.

  10. The bottom line is that Senators and Congressional Representatives want to send the lower segment (poor and less educated) of US society to go to the Front Line and fight. Their intention is to protect the sons and daughters of the wealthy.

    That is why the USA Military is stretched so thin.

  11. I know the answer to this one because I was 17 at the time.  It was stopped because the Viet Nam war just ended and people were sick and tired of war.  The govt. felt it may be more productive to have an all volunteer military and it looks as though they were right.

  12. To have a smaller army that would fight wars base on technology.

  13. The republicans stopped what the democraps started

  14. Ronald Regan (R), writing in Human Events back in 1979, made a clear case against the draft:

    "conscription rests on the assumption that your kids belong to the state. If we buy that assumption then it is for the state - not for parents, the community, the religious institutions or teachers - to decide who shall have what values and who shall do what work, when, where and how in our society. That assumption isn't a new one. The n***s thought it was a great idea."

    Reagan, love him or hate him, understood that America was founded on the principle of individual liberty - that the government exists to serve the people. The idea of slavery, whatever form it takes, is morally repugnant to the ideals of a free society.

  15. Disco music

  16. After the Viet Nam war, they decided at the behest of those protesting the draft to end it. They came out with a voluntary military, which is fine in peace time, but a shambles in war time. Now they have lowered the standards, and many recruits are coming in with criminal records, mental illnesses, less caliber of education, and some from the popular and well known gangs. Enjoy the end result of a very small percentage of true patriots being sent over and over to the war, and the rest sit home and worry about dysfunctional celebrities. Soon there will have to be another draft, because there is a bigger war coming, and if they stay on this voluntary kick, no one will show up.

  17. Because not every citizen is worthy to be in the military.  They don't have the courage, honor, and committment to do as they are ordered even though they have only two rules.  Do what you are told, and tell the truth.  Truth be told, now we have lowered standards and there are more in the military with criminal records than we would like to admit, but there was a study done that compared felony waiver recruits to non-waiver recruits.  The discipline diffence is nothing, just 1%.  The award for valor is dramatic, about 14% for the recruits with waivers, and the re-enlistment was about 16% higher for the waiver recruits as well.

    We went away from the draft because of the public pressure the government was under, ane certainly because of the pressure teh senior military staff was applying.

  18. The USA was fatigued by the quagmire that was Vietnam. The military was also seen in a negative light as the various atrocities of Vietnam were exposed.  The protests of the 1960s certainly reflected this. By 1976 we had finished with Nixon and Vietnam and were optimistically looking ahead to more peaceful era. Unfortunately, the pendulum had swung too far and the military could not maintain itself with regards to the far flung expectations and questionable ambitions of the American foreign policy (were in so many countries on various missions, and we were the military arm of the western nations, the policemen of the world).  So registration, not an actual draft, was deemed necessary, although it is totally pointless.  It just serves t put young men on notice that they could be called up to a draft if needed.

  19. Simply put:  the American public does not support a draft. After the very unpopular Vietnam War, public support of the draft ended.  Our elected officials are now reluctant to even broach the subject for fear of public backlash- and rightfully so. Not many are willing to see their sons go involuntarily to war.

  20. It was due to having two unpopular wars (Korea & Vietnam) and young people being told to fight and die without an adequate explanation. Even so, I doubt the draft would be re-instated today. It's still a hugely unpopular idea and many people believe the real reason it hasn't come back is because women would also have to be drafted. The draft did result in a much more of a cross-section of American society for the military but like today, those who come from lower middle class or poor families have to make the greatest sacrifices because they are the ones who are the most likely to be put in direct combat situations. Those who are rich have always been able to find ways to beat the draft or use deferments to avoid military service.

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