
Why did the UN demand, suspension of uranium enrichement in Iran for the third time... last week???

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Very good Ryan F, now: explain to me, why would they not want Iran to do so?




  1. Because they don't want Iran to develope nuclear technology...

  2. It is due to Isalm's fatalism aspect of their religion, unlike MAD between us and russia or china, a muslim would have no issue dieing to ensure a nuclear bomb is detonated. They would also glady sacrifice thousands of their countrymen to kill as many westerners as possible

  3. because they don't want Iran to build a nuclear bomb.

  4. Perhaps, Irrational Fears?

  5. Well because they can see through the bs and they know that a A-bomb in control of a theocracy is bad juju...b/c they will push the button in the name of their deity to erase Israel, the USA and maybe Europe depending on how cowed the Europeans are and basically anyone who doesnt go along with their c%ap

  6. Because they do not want them to get THE BOMB not a bomb THE bomb. The one reason Iran wants enriched uranium. They do not need it for power. They have a oil field it think it is called Iran?! They want a nuclear weapon to threaten the west with.

  7. because they are a bunch of spineless wimps!!!

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