
Why did the US ensure a loss in Afghanistan by hastily invading Iraq?

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Why did the US ensure a loss in Afghanistan by hastily invading Iraq?




  1. ohhh loaded questionsss

  2. We lost in Afghanistan?  When did that happen?

  3. Far as I know it was a full year before we invaded Iraq. doesn't sound like we were in a hurry.

  4. To get the opium growing again,and for access to a new oil pipeline.Good question.Partisan politics have nothing to do with it.Both parties are controlled be elitists.

  5. Because Bush and Cheney are stupid.. and they wanted oil for Haliburton... what did you think.. that Iraq had WMD's  lol?

  6. these Mo-Fo's ain't done a d**n thing right, they are friggin criminals hiding behind executive privelidge, who were not looking out for the country, only for the best interest of their corporate buddys~!!!

    they need to be taken out office immediatly and thrown in the Brigg, Commander & Cheif my as*~!!!!

  7. interesting, we lost in afganistan.... better tell the afganni people and binladen who is still hiding in caves if he is still alive.

  8. What else would you expect from a prezident that has been a failure his entire life?  Would you have expected him to go after the person he claims was responsible for 9/11?

  9. they got all the oil in afghanistan

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