
Why did the US wait so long to enter WWI?

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i know why US finally entered i just dont know why it took so long..




  1. America of that time was fairly isolationist. We really didn't want any foreign encumbrances. President Wilson even campaigned on keeping us out of the war.

  2. We wanted to be isolationists, we believed that we had to become a strong country first then set our mark in the global stage.

  3. who cares there only Americans

  4. We truly believed that the best way for our country to go was to stay out of foreign affairs. The leaders of this country had ties to Britain, but many immigrants had Germany, Irish, or Scottish blood so they sided with the Axis powers.

  5. It wasn't our war. America used to have this wonderful policy about not sticking our noses into other people's business unless it became a matter of moral wrongness.

    Now we're a bit trigger happy

  6. The United States does have a history of being "isolationists" from time to time.  Ever since the "Monroe Doctrine" was put into action we have tried to stay out of wars.

  7. We wanted to stay OUT of war and fighting it was Europes war in the first place, we stayed neutral for while, it's like WWII we only entred when we were attcked on December 7th at Pearl Harbor

  8. I believe history answers history ... it's an isolation effect that took place 5 years ago and again in WW2 ... 9-11 caused war in the middle east today (got America involved in middle eastern war today) ... pearl harbor in WW2 ... and Lusitania in WW1 ... America always remains neutral  and a sort of moderator of peace until we're (I'm American by the way) attacked.....


  9. There wasn't any reason to enter WWI at first, the U.S. wasn't interested in getting involved in a war in which neither side was really the good guy (unlike WWII).  It wasn't until our ships kept getting sunk by the Germans and the Zimmerman telegram was discovered that America had a reason to enter the war against Germany.

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