
Why did the United States decide to adopt capitalism as its economy? Where did they get the idea from?

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Why did the United States decide to adopt capitalism as its economy? Where did they get the idea from?




  1. it came with the european settlers and is the only system that will work in a free society.

  2. The idea had been floating around Europe, especially England, for some time.

    At least one reason why the United States adopted it is because most (if not all) of the colonies insisted.

    Another is that the people who drafted the Constitution were all fairly wealthy men. (Recall, originally, only men with land could vote - women, landless employees, etc. couldn't) Capitalism is a system that allows the rich to get richer. (One of the motivations for declaring independence was that they objected to the English laws that prevented the colonists from starting up factories which would compete with the English factories.)

    As for other systems, they were used by some colonists, but when anyone can leave and carve out a farm from the wilderness, no enforcement of rules is possible. And since many of the colonists left to escape the regimes back in Europe, they didn't exactly want to establish new ones.

    On the other hand, as soon as the United States was established, the government did try to prevent tax the rural population into submission. (Think of the Whiskey Rebellion)

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