
Why did the White House demand Russia return a few humvee taken during the recent conflict?

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With the billions wasted daily, why would they care about a few cars?




  1. What an idiotic request. So, will Russia also request to bring back their old Soviet weapons that the Iraqis used against the coalition forces? The White House is being naive, it's just a bunch of armored cars, not some kind of superior-super tech vehicle that can shoot down UFO's or turn objects into dust. But, good question.

    Btw, if the White House never sent those vehicles in the first place, they wouldn't be complaining.

  2. Are you stupid? Who cares how much we are spending daily in other parts of the world, Russia is not being very nice, we dont support it, and we are just gonna let them take vehicles that could be used against Georgia without saying anything?  

  3. Because Bush is so small minded, he needs to begin with something he understands and can get mad about.

    Truck theft. Wow, what a wimp we have as Commander in Chief. Russia spits all over our ally and Bush responds by going to bed right after dinner.

  4. And what is Bush's plan if Putin refuses?

    Oh thats right...nothing.

    What a ridiculous request.  

  5. Bush probably had a childhood bully beat him up and take his lunch money.  This results in this flashback reaction.

  6. Sigh

  7. And what were they doing in Georgia in the first place.

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