
Why did the ayam cross the road?

by  |  earlier

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Why did the ayam cross the road?




  1. because there is a road in from to cross.

  2. to show their butt!

  3. ha ha haaaa ..b'coz Its Show Time !!!

  4. B'cos can't stand the smell of FARTman's f**t...............

  5. looking for duck

  6. coz ayam won't circle.

    if it did,

    the ayam will be " ayam golek", nice for buka puasa entree.

  7. Ayam jantan wanted to see ayam betina across the road.

  8. coz got ayam main belakang

  9. go to the other side...for whatever reasons...

  10. becoz someone farted...and the smell is awful  

  11. why gabby show off his as.s on his avatar?

    same so same la..but wth. HAHAHAH

  12. becoz he wan to cross th eroad..

  13. It was looking for crab shells

  14. ayam cross the road?

    itik cross the road?

    kerbau cross the road?

    squarrel cross the road?

    anjing cross the road?

    kambing cross the road?

    crab cross the road?

    semut cross the road?

    elephpant cross the road?

    snake cross the road?

    ???? to teh tarik!!!!!!!!!mamak stall!

  15. because they want to avoid f**t's smell

  16. because ayam champion..

  17. because they wanna be to the other side  

  18. Bcoz he want to go to the other side of the road..what else?

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