
Why did the borders of Lebanon not command the same respect as every other nation's?

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Russia invades Georgia 2008 - and Bush demands a withdrawal

'Georgia is a member of the United Nations, and South Ossetia and Abkhazia lie within its internationally recognized borders. Georgia's borders should command the same respect as every other nation's."

George W Bush Aug 16, 2008,2933,404937,00.html

Israel invades Lebanon 2008 - - and Bush opposes a withdrawal

Bush indicated he wants Israel to stay until an international force is deployed that can assist Lebanon in taking over control of the southern part of the country, where Hezbollah's operations are based.

"Whatever happens in the U.N., we must not create a vacuum into which Hezbollah and its sponsors are able to move more weapons," Bush said in a joint news conference with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. "Sometimes the world likes to take the easy route in order to solve a problem. Our view is, it's time to address root causes of problems. And to create a vacuum is unacceptable."

George W Bush Aug 8, 2006




  1. The US likes Israel and Georgia more than it likes Lebanon and Russia.

    We don't oppose people we're allied with.

  2. The Jewish lobby funnels millions of dollars into Washington. The US supports Israel regardless of how many UN declarations it violates. The US has used its veto power in the UN security council to bail out Israel when they break international law.

    While Israel may be the worlds leading violator of UN declarations, some of their reactions are justified

  3. one word HYPOCRACY

  4. they have been violated to many times.

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