
Why did the british have a different policy towards majority rule when it came to Palestine?

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Those of you who may know during the period when the British Empire was crubmbling and their colonies/protecterates were seeking indpendence, the british had a policy, a condition that had to be met before independence would be granted to their at the time subjects. Majority Rule, explicitly no minority white settler rule.

In Rhodesia the White Settler Minority declared indpendence from Britain. Since the condition of Majority rule (in thise case black majority rule) was not met Britain along with the rest of the world never recognized Rhodesia and the Blacks and the White Minority entered armed conflict. The blacks fighting the White Majority who took the country hostage so to speak in what became known as the bush war, it is analogous to the Al Nakba war in a way. Except in the case of Rhodesia the White Minority eventually crumbled and the apposite happend in Palestine.




  1. The polcy in Palestine was determined at the inception of the mandancy and it ignored self-determination; that's why they lent support to the establishment of the "jewish agency" as a government-in-waiting and to the establishment of the Hashemite quasi-monarchy in Jordan,then known as Transjordan. The plan all along was that Palestine would not receive it's indepedence but be divided between the jewish agency and the hashemites. Why? In the case of creating a "jewish state" they had war loans to the Rothchilds to pay off and this was the pay-off; the hashemites were merely cut-outs for what amounted to continuing British rule.

  2. The British didn't recognize Israel until 1950. Jews were the majority.

    But, since that's not the answer you were looking for when you asked your "question" I'll play along.

    Because the evil white European Zionists had sunk their filthy tentacles into the British government and oozed into it the racist ideology of the Talmud and Elders of Zion. Britain wanted to appease the Zionists as quickly as possible as their occupation army had invented a tank fueled by puppies. The British love puppies.


  3. Well for one the UK was humiliated when Israel declared independence since after all the British Mandate was there territory. As the person above me said, UK did not recognize Israel until 1950.  Jews were already the majority, with most not having British citizenship.  A British General John Bagot lead Jordan forces again Israel.

    As for your pseudo history related to British colonies. The British never had such a policy. You are thinking of the "No Independence Before Majority African Rule" and it was directed ONLY at Rhodesia as it was the only British held territory that had a large White population with no intention of leaving and still holding administrative power. Rhodedia declared independence 17 years after Israel did.

    Read up on these subjects rather than just blindly believing what people tell you.

  4. In 1917, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration:

    His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

    The Mandate for Palestine included the Balfour Declaration. It specifically referred to "the historical connections of the Jewish people with Palestine" and to the moral validity of "reconstituting their National Home in that country." The term "reconstituting" shows recognition of the fact that Palestine had been the Jews' home. Furthermore, the British were instructed to "use their best endeavors to facilitate" Jewish immigration, to encourage settlement on the land and to "secure" the Jewish National Home. The word "Arab" does not appear in the Mandatory award.11

    The Mandate was formalized by the 52 governments at the League of Nations on July 24, 1922.

  5. there are so many things wrong with that.

    Firstly, the British promised to help create an independent Palestine through the Balfour Declaration, because they wanted support of teh rich american jews to get america into the war (which they later replaced with the white paper for arab support)

    Secondly, Palestine had very few inhabitants, and was mostly full of corrupt Turkish lords with arab labourers.

    thirdly, Jews have continuously been living in Israel for the last 5,000 years, and the zionists originally planned to BUY land in Israel to work it and create a nation.

    and when the Ottomans ruled Palestine, they destroyed huge amounts of forestry and made it a desolate place

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