
Why did the british take over everything they saw?

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like seriously....aren't they content with their own land? why do they have to opress people and take over their stuff? that's just rude! and how is it that they managed to take india, with only half a fraction of a percent of the indian population acting as overlords?!




  1. Hamster hit the nail on the head.

  2. Lands land.If i was a king i would try to get the most land there is. England made alot of money because of their colonies. Who cares if they suppressed some people they made money. Thats what they thought.

  3. That is they were the most barbaric nation in the world till they meet their match against Maoris in New Zealnd. Who invented gurilla warfare

    and made the british look stupid hence a treaty with them

  4. Well, coming from an American that's rich, I must say.  There wouldn't even BE any USA if the English hadn't colonised America in the first place!  What do you think you are, if not the product of colonisation? Do you think native Americans would be living on reservations today if your ancestors hadn't taken over most of their lands? And what about Hawaii?  Why did you have to take THAT over, pray?

    And the British were not the only ones colonising anyway.  The French, the Dutch, the Spanish and the Portuguese were all pretty busy acquiring colonies for themselves as well.  Why do you think South Americans mostly speak Spanish or Portuguese?

  5. It was funny! :D

    Well that would be a modern take on it all.

    The fact is that then you kick the h**l out of someone and suppress them you can take all their nice stuff, like ivory, ivory is nice! :D

    Basically it's all about selfishness and getting to claim things for yourself, it's what you do, ever stolen something from a sibling like a cake? That's the same but on a smaller scale!

  6. greed

  7. Main reason the British sent out many many colonies was because they had limited resources for a huge population, they're one of the greatest countries and they're on a fairly small island, do the math.

  8. The sun never went down on the Might British Empire.............their empire was far more bigger than Italian (Romans) or the Greek or the Persian Empire........

    Britain truly was blessed by the Lord that is why they're so great.

  9. Well it is about power and keeping up with your neighbor. isn't it" I mean the spanish went and found themselves a contenet and a lot of gold and to keep yourselve as a survivor in the big game you do the same. they needed resourses because they lived in a tiny island with not enough to support their needs as a growning power.

  10. If you watch Entertainment, new superman movie, there is a great quote.  it was something like: men have made technology to supress and rule the world, the Romans had roads, the British had ships, and America the a bomb... it was something like that. The point is that GB wanted to expand to meet the demand of its people. Look at japan, they did the same thing. In fact if Japan had the tech, they probably would have replaced GB as far as major world superpower during the last millennium.

    What can the people of GB do with land the size of what ever state you are from. If they had what we capitalist call international market, maybe they would have not done that. It is the 21st century. They took india because india is so easy to conqure. It is very diverse. Any military coup would be easy. Read art of war. its got like 17 languages. Look at Indian tribes. Americans divided and conquered. KNOW your self, KNOW your enemy. Every country looks into their own interest. India = Tea. Its frekin Tea man. Tea. like english love that stuff.

  11. the british like other europeans, took over other territories in the age of colonialism for resources to fuel their economies that were competing with each other. they also told everyone that they weren't oppressing people but offering them civilisation and development.

    colonialism in places like India relied on `divide and rule' tactics in which (for example) the british set themselves out as the peacekeepers between many different peoples. they also coopted some of the people they ruled by inviting them to their clubs and social events.

    it was pretty rude, and eventually it was stopped. the folks who take over stuff today are sometimes a bit more subtle.

  12. Hello

    its difficult to objectively look at colonialism, especially since we are living in a different era , with different moral values

    at the time ,  colonial expansion was an important way for Britain to

    1   Nationalism/Prestige

    Political competition - expansion= power

    - stop French/Dutch and German growth

    2   Expanded markets

    industrial revolution

    -needed markets to sell goods

    3   “Whiteman’s Burden”


    -under the belief that "european" culture was the only culture worth having , it was essential to spread this culture to the unculture peoples around the world

    (no , dont kill me ,,, thats not my belief ... it was a victorian idea)

    - spread Christianity

    By 1900 very few English saw colonialism as a fair practice, and therefore Australia,Canada,New Zealand and South Africa were granted automony .... unfortunately India etc only getting indepence post 1948

    So today colonialism seems very bad (and i agree there) , but at the time it was the accepted practice worldwide , and by the standards of the 1800's .... totally legal !

    and ps. India was never a single country , it was made up of little kingdoms ... the British joined them together to form the deservedly proud country that exists today !

  13. That is a very naive view of history. Do some serious reading before you jump to half-baked conclusions and simple-minded prejudice.

  14. If you think the British are bad, try looking at what King Leopold II of Belgium did in the Belgian Congo.

    Or come to think of it what us British are doing at the behest of the U.S. to the Chagos Islanders from Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean at the moment.

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