
Why did the candidate of "change" go with the status quo?

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Obama has criticized McCain for being part of the problem as a "Washington insider ". Does this mean that Biden is part of the problem too? he's been around longer than Mccain.




  1. What would you prefer him to do?  To get away from this criticism he would have to pick someone outside of politics.  How would that have helped him?  I am not an Obama supporter by the way.  

  2. Because if he picked someone like Kaine from Va. who is another know-nothing novice, there's no way he could have a chance.  This just proves that his "change" rhetoric is nothing but 'bull', and he's still the far-left puppet he's always been.  The only change he would see in Washington are the curtains in the White House.  Michelle would have to have something to do besides advising him.  Wonder if Biden was her pick too?

  3. Well DAH!  Just because he says change over and over doesn't mean a darn thing,

    Obama plays to the dumbed down masses by pretending to be the opposition. He's hand picked to do just that, it's an illusion and a trick played on the peasants for a very long time.

    In order to know that they are both neoliberal globalists owned by the power elite an on the same agenda, it takes being informed and aware,

    unfortunately, people never learn, things stay the same and all of you people conditioned and distracted by the media can just go around and around in circles bickering over irrelevant garbage and staying the slaves you are.

  4. He sees this as the only possible way to win.  But is will backfire.  His liberal base will look at Biden and see gray hair and they will bolt back into a state of apathy.

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