
Why did the creaters of the great global warming swindle ignore scientific data?

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'No Sun link' to climate change

"This should settle the debate," said Mike Lockwood, from the UK's Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, who carried out the new analysis together with Claus Froehlich from the World Radiation Center in Switzerland.

This paper re-enforces the fact that the warming in the last 20 to 40 years can't have been caused by solar activity

Dr Lockwood initiated the study partially in response to the TV documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, broadcast on Britain's Channel Four earlier this year, which featured the cosmic ray hypothesis.

"All the graphs they showed stopped in about 1980, and I knew why, because things diverged after that," he told the BBC News website.

"You can't just ignore bits of data that you don't like," he said.




  1. The ignored it because it is propaganda.

  2. Maybe cause global warming isn't caused by the sun?? I think that you need to know about global warming before you try to prove it false, just a suggestion.


  3. Because the deniers of global warming are NOT interested in valid science, they are interested in ANY science that seems to support their ideology.

    Here's a great link that documents many of the deceptions in that movie.

  4. It's not as much ignoring scientific data but choosing which you want to believe.  30 years ago scientific data showed the worlds oil supply would be depleted within 20 years.  40 years ago scientific data said would would be in a perpetual state of gridlock within 15 years.  3 years ago scientific data suggested that the internet was about to collapse under the increased load of data traffic.  8 months ago scientific polling data declared Hillary the presumptive Democratic nominee.

  5. They didn't so much ignore scientific data as purposefully cherrypick the data that seemed to make their point and leave out the parts that disproved their argument.  What they did was not just ignorant, but purposefully deceptive.

    I mean the solar data thing was the worst.  The best solar data we have is from 1978-Present, because we had satellites measuring solar irradiance over that period.  And what does the Swindle do?  Stops the solar activity graph at 1980, because at that point solar irradiance and global temperature diverged.

    There was absolutely no reason to stop the graph at 1980 where the best data collection began, except to conceal the fact that the Sun is not responsible for the current warming.  What they did was even worse than that though, because they labeled 1980 as 'now'.  Not only did they stop the graph prematurely to conceal the modern data, but they mislabeled the graph to give the impression that it included all the data!

    This is just one of many deceitful points in the movie which make it little more than a propaganda film.

  6. global warming is being caused by CO2 emissions. not that the sun is makng the world hotter.

  7. Global warming denial is about political and economic gain. It's ideology over science typical for cults and typical for the regressive American right think also Intelligent design. No one in the world but the American far right fringe believes any of those fables

  8. Maybe for the same reasons that Al Gore ignored data for his movie, to try to support their point of view.

    Of course I am pretty sure Al is making a lot more money on his opinions than they are on their perspective.

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