
Why did the crowd reject Jesus at his trial if he was so popular?

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After all, one minute he's preaching to the multitudes and the next hes betrayed by judas and almost the entire multitudes turn against him and actually ask pilate to release barabbus instead.

its almost as though the crowd felt that somehow Jesus had betrayed them...




  1. The Pharisees lied to the people and turned them against Jesus.  

    Jesus is God, and He loves you very much!  :)  The ONLY WAY to get into heaven is by believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

    The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  2. Jesus made radical claims. He claimed to be God. The people who could not see that He was took offense and accused him of blaspheme. For obvious reasons, this made them angry.

  3. Only the religious extremists turned against Him. They were jealous of Him and wanted Him dead. The same is true today of Cessationist individuals who attack Pentecostal/Charismatics. Also, Baptists persecuted the Methodists in times past. Every century has seen it's share of Pharisee hatemongers.

  4. because jesus asked for the people to love one another unconditionally and that meant loss of control on all levels of society and within ourselves including our materialistic ego driven lives.people just dont like to lose what they got even for jesus  

  5. You are right, one minute he was preaching to civilized people like you and me. Than he was persecuted by power hungry religious leaders who felt that Jesus was a threat.

  6. Or as everyone knows, crowds follow the leaders.

    A person is smart, but people are dumb.

    Think about it.

  7. Jesus made them aware of their sin(s) and they hated Him for that. If He was here today, He would again be crucified by people who don't want to feel the guilt they should feel for the way they live and the choices they make!

  8. It's like a chain reaction, or domino's.  Once you get some people chanting or doing a certain thing in a crowd, the rest will mindlessly follow along (look at the waves and stuff that they do in stadiums at games etc).....

  9. it happened as the OT predicted it would happen

  10. The earliest of the gospels was written at least 70 years after the alleged time of Christ.  The others were written almost 200 years after.  And they were frequently translated and modified.  During the Roman occupation, the early Christians did not want to vilify their rulers, by saying that the Romans had crucified Jesus.  So they pinned it on the Jews.  The Roman character of Pilate is said to have "washed his hands" of the decision to crucify Christ.  They passed the blame onto the crowd of Jews.

    Aside from the idiocy of blaming an entire tribe of people for the crucifixion, there is the idiocy of thinking that the trial is actually non-fiction.  It's a story, not a true story.  Look into the history.  No Roman trials of the 1st century were ever carried out in such a fashion.

  11. because the jews were looking for a king to wipe out the romans,and jesus didn't fit there mold of what the messiah should be.

  12. The crowd was made of people with whom Jesus was not popular.

    Obviously he was not crucified by the same people he healed!

    As today, 99% of the people who shouted and sang over Jesus in his crusades were not around whe heavy lifting was to be done.

    If Princess Di were so popular, why did the paparazzi who crashed her car depart the scene intact? Why was it possible that they walked around unlynched, even to this day?

    When an aide drew Benito Mussolini's attention to the hailing of the crowds, I hear he replied, laughing, "If I were going to the gallows, they would cheer just as loudly!"

    Jesus' predictions of his doom were so ambiguous, that if a multitude of people had supported him, and lynched all his opposition for him, I daresay that he would have backed into it.

    When he saw that he was out voted, I believe he could have said,

    "Okay, Father, Plan B it is, then....!"

    How much support in a crunch can you get anyway, if you teach your followers to take the first and second hit, and if you are screwed over 490  times in one day, you are to forgive the [*Bleep!*]ard 490 times? (Matt. 5:39; 18:21-22.)

  13. First, it wasn't just the people in general that rejected Jesus, it was specifically the Jews. They believed that their Messiah was coming free Israel from the Roman Empire, which ruled over Israel at that time. What the Jews did not understand was that when Jesus came to earth the first time, in the early 1st century A.D., he came "not to conquer, but to save." A week before, on Palm Sunday, Jesus had rode into Jerusalem amid cheering Jews (His Triumphant Entry). He did not liberate Israel at that time, though, so the Jews turned against him. To the Jews, Jesus had betrayed them by saying He was their Messiah and leaving them oppressed. Jesus will free Israel from her oppressors, but after His Second Coming (see the Book of Revelation for information on the End Times). The Jews did not understand this, or did not want to accept it.

  14. Because He failed popular expectations. He was expected to liberate the Jews from Roman oppression but did not live up to that expectation.

  15. He wasn't popular among the conservatives of the time.  He had a band of free-thinking followers.  As with most revolutionary new ideas, it caught on eventually after first being ridiculed and persecuted.  

  16. Today we still do that.

    One Sunday I loved everybody. On the following Monday, I wished my boss would suffer a heart attack at a meeting downstairs. What else can I hope. These days.

  17. I would like to explain these things to you but I am unable to on this forum, perhaps someone else can.

    But I must say you must know the purpose that Jesus came to the earth for.  

    He came to be a living Sacrifice, as a lamb, innocent, without sin.  All of the miracles he performed were proof of his identity.  

    He had a purpose, to die for our sins,  the same people that hailed him with highest praise "Hosanna" were the ones that shouted crucify him.  

    There was nothing, or no one that could have stopped that action because it was GODS WILL  (to answer your question) and The Lord Jesus agreed to be the lamb of God, He was crucified, died and rose again and ascended into heaven....  For our Salvation, those that believe in Him have everlasting life.

  18. Some people get caught up in a mob scene. It happens today when people get excited and the next thing you know they are beating someone or breaking glass in a store and carrying off loads of merchandise. Human nature hasn't changed and back in Jesus' day there were people who yelled louder than others and were heard. Pilate was a weak person who wanted to let Jesus go but was influenced by the people. He was afraid for his own position if he didn't go with the majority. Those that yelled the loudest were those that shouted "Give us Barrabas". There were many in the crowd that day that shouted to release Jesus but it all went according to God's plan that Jesus should die a sacrificial death on the cross. If He hadn't been crucified, I'd have to try and stand before God with my own goodness and it would have doomed me to h**l for sure. I needed a perfect person who had no sin to take my punishment for me so that I could stand before God in Jesus' righteousness. There's an old song that says "He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay, I needed someone to wash my sins away. that someone was God's only begotten son, Jesus.

  19. when you have a mass of people that large assembled it only takes a few to incite a mass reaction

  20. His people taught their Messiah would come in with a Sword and kill all who ensalved them and miss treated them.  However, Christ Jesus came as a Lamb and died for us all and will come back and be the " Lion" from the tribe of Judah ( Rev 5:5) and gather His children ( wheat ) and burn the (tares) unbelieving, un-repented hearts of peoples.

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