
Why did the folks at Yahoo....?

by  |  earlier

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....cancel my question asking all ghosts to a party?

Did they think it was a real party invitation? Anyway, my question now is, why did no ghosts whatsoever show up, despite my invitation being available for over a day? I didn't even get a vampire, for God's sake.

Was it because

(a) ghosts don't read Yahoo! Answers, or

(b) they couldn't divine the way to my place, or

(c) they didn't think my place was worth haunting, or






  1. That sucks, is the party still on, cause Mikey, sorry, Micheal is getting excited.

    I would say other......

    In the past week, I have has a question and an answer canceled for no good reason. Its like they are on a canceling spree.

    You get a notice about how its a violation of the terms of service. I tried to fight it, and you get an email saying, we will look into it. lol

  2. all of the above

  3. Ghosts don't like you.They  do read yahoo though.I've had a few mysterious violations myself.They don't care for me either.They're probably no fun anyway.Being dead and all.

  4. next time give an address - it helps

  5. Hmm. I don't know why they deleted your question. Certainly with all the woowoo beliefs about ghosts being posted here, e.g., you can communicate with them, tell them to go to the light,  they can follow you around, etc., it's not out of place to put out a party invitation to ghosts. After all, can anyone here prove that ghosts don't go to parties? I included a link to the Yahoo Answer appeals board in case you want to appeal the deletion. I recently had a fraudulent abuse report made against me and Yahoo Answers overturned it on appeal.

    I'm sorry you didn't get a turnout, but I don't think ghosts use computers. The EM fields interfere with their energy vibration frequencies, or something. You might try posting your invite in the newspapers next time. Ghosts are very old-school when it comes to technology.

  6. Did you get any answers to the question or invitation?  If not Yahoo cancels them after a certain amount of time, because they are inactive and deeply buried.


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