
Why did the government kill the electric car,water engine,and other fuel alternatives?

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I know it's all about oil and money, but I just want to hear your take on this and inform some poeple on what's really going on. (Warning, this may reeeaally p**s you off).

water powered engine

water powered engine inventor murdered

electric car's destroyed

water fuel conversion/kit




  1. No conspiracy needed to explain this one... just common sense and a understanding of the basic law of supply and demand.

    If you think these things work and are profitable, start up a company and the environmentalists will flock to your cause.  Well?  When are you going to do it?

    Oh, that's right, the consumers don't want those products.  Too inconvenient and too pricey.

  2. This is not all that new to the industry.

    Been going on since about 1946-48, after WW II.

    My brother trained in an auto factory.

    A man had used water.  It was not perfected, and speed went out of control at 50 MPH.

    He was bought out for a few million.

    Two points to bear in mind.


    How much electricity would have to be generated to maintain battery charges,  and with what fuel, plus the weight factor of batteries?

    Water or electric?

    Oil stocks would be worthless paper.

    The majority of oil related business, bankrupt.

    (Fuel transports)

    Worker's pensions, zilch.

    Gasoline used cars, value zilch.

    Oil wells capped.

    The change over would nearly wreak havoc on the economy.

    Think about it, as much as we would like to see it.

    Not to mention lost taxes to the states and Feds.

    Ya, it would be added to something else.

  3. They didn't kill anything why don't you spend thousands of dollars trying to make it work than when you do you'll be a hero.

    If it can really be dont for less than a hundred bucks as all these websites I've seen claim than everone one would be doing it already.

    Or a case in point why isn't the rest of the world doing it.

    It takes allot of power to produce enough HHO gas to power an engine even if your just supplementing the gasoline its already using.

    Another case in point if an electro magnetic field is so easy to create than why arent powerplants powered by hampster wheels instead of coal.

    If any of this was the case we'd be living in Euphoria allready.

    We don't burn any of our alaskan reserve some hippies said it had to much sulfur content in it.

    So we ship it all of to china where they don't have emmisions laws than it drifts back here and falls as acid rain.

  4. The government had nothing to do with it.  Neither did big oil or the auto companies.

    The water powered car you are talking about is a scam.  It violates the second law of thermodynamics.  It will not work.

    Electric cars are available today if you want a high priced, underpowered toy.  They simply cannot compete head to head with conventional powered vehicles.  No big conspiracy, just simple market forces.

    You need to get over these adolescent conspiracy theories and look at the real facts.

  5. the electric car was killed because it is highly inefficient and still needs the burning of fossil fuels

  6. the politicians will stop any good idea if they are not the ones that make money from it.

  7. The oil companies and American Big Three automobile manufacturers make huge campaign contributions to the Republican Party.  They don't want to change the cars that they make, despite their market share loss, so the President and his followers make sure that there is no pressure put on them to do so.  Bush even overrules states like California that want only high gas mileage cars in their state.

    In my opinion, as long as people vote for Republicans this trend will continue until the Earth can no longer be inhabited by human beings.  That is JUST my opinion.

  8. Democrats have been listening to  auto workers who do not want any change in their industry, no reduction in demand for internal combustion engines, large vehicles with big price tags.

    Now, we have to be careful  to  avoid asserting that government has killed these vehicles.

    Look at who has not bothered to  invest in Hypercar. Have you? It could have been our principle vehicle, giving 100 mpg by now if we had invested in 1994, or any year since for that matter.

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