
Why did the government say ,that the East Europeans who came to work in the uk would go back after a while?

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If this is the case then why do i see more and more East European mothers who have given birth recently in the uk around most cities.Jusy hop onto any bus, you will see at least one eastern european with a recently born child. Is this because the government have to pay for thier residence here since the child is a British citizen and the family would get the same benifits as any British citizen. And also if they were contributing to out economy why is the council rates gone up by 4% in most parts of the uk. surley if these people were paying taxes and contributions, the uk's economy would be a lot healthier then it is now? How many more lies?




  1. So you see a couple of allegedely Eastern Europeans on the bus and all of the sudden it's their fault the economy is in the ****? Well done Einstein!

    I guess the crisis in banking and oil prices would have nothing to do with it!

  2. Eastern Europe has only recently thrown of the shackles of Communism, which held them prisoners in their own countries since the end of WW2.

    Now that these nations are free and in many cases joined up members of the EU, it is hardly surprising that they should wish to travel to other parts of the EU - their EU as much as it is ours.

    Most East Europeans, especially the Poles, are returning homeward in droves.  This is due to the high cost of living here in UK and also that the economy [Poland] is on the rise.

    Here in London the Poles have always been welcome and were it not for them during WW2 it is highly probable that the RAF would have lost the Battle of Britain.

    Far too little attention is paid to the singular fact that the Polish Squadron RAF in the Battle of Britain shot down 16 n**i planes on day one up there.

    Polish Squadrons of the Royal Air Force - Battle of Britain

    ROYAL AIR FORCE - Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

  3. And why does the government still deny we are a soft touch and if as they say mass immigration is good for the economy why is the economy in such a frigging mess?

  4. they wont go back. we give them too much.

  5. Because Labour want to try and blind people to the fact that they have made the biggest mess of running this country.They have lost control and probably got paid a bribe by the E.U. to boot!

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