
Why did the government take guns away from law abiding citizens after Katrina ?

by Guest59661  |  earlier

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It was the criminals causing havoc, yet the guns were taken away from honest citizens who had registered firearms. Wouldn't doing this just leave normal citizens defensless against the criminals ?




  1. It did. Blame Ray! Its all his fault!

  2. The government took guns away from law-abiding citizens in New Orleans, after Katrina, just to prove that they could do it. To set a precedent. To persuade the judge of a future court case that because the government did it before, that there Must Have Been A Good Reason. Even though the only actual reasons were evil ones.

    Law-abiding citizens are too slow to shoot, in my opinion. That little old lady who had her shotgun snatched right out of her hands is an example of what I mean. She had lived a full life. If she and that police goon had killed each other, he'd have lost more years than she would have, meaning that the American people would have come out ahead, attritionwise. And that's the kind of war that the American people and their treasonous government will soon be fighting: attrition. Either we will run out of fighters first, or they will. And if we keep letting them walk all over us, as they old lady did, Americans will become slaves. So, when the time comes, just yell "Don't Tread On Me," and pull that trigger.

  3. Thank you for asking a valid question that our society needs to hear.

    Yes, America HAS become a police state!

    "The right of the people to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!!!"

    Right,. they sure enforced that one.

    They've made an exception, for circumstances that are beyond the norm.

    They've tip-tap-danced around the law to make it "legal" in their own eyes. That doesn't make it right though. The only way to re-instate the Constitution is to make people realize that we are TRULY living in a police state!

    I hope your post does some good to the brainwashed masses.

  4. The cops didn't want the citizens to be able to defend themselves. It would've taken their jobs away.

  5. So that they wouldn't shoot their lawnmowers.

  6. They made a really bad call and lots of innocent people, disarmed and helpless, lost their lives because of it. You can never trust the government.

    Like George Washington said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."

  7. This is an easy answer. When the government decided to ignore New Orleans and spend the money on an illegal war, they knew that the people would be ticked off.You definitely don't want to f*****k people over if they are armed.

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