
Why did the honest&candid Barack Hussein Obama neglect to have his "MENTOR" at the DNC convention?

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How could a person not even mention their MENTOR as part of their history in the rise to glory and fame that even possible? .....what gives?

Is Hussein Obama ashamed of his Jeremiah Wright ...hows that for loyalty to a MENTOR?

"MENTOR" ... what is the definition of that word anyway, and why would Hussein Obama declare that man as his?




  1. He's still "under the bus" - OUCH

  2. He cut ties with him. You might want to read a newspaper once and a while. People make mistakes in life in choosing their friends or doing certain things. You sound like a typical conspiracy theory Neo- Naz...Neo Con sorry. Your probably a Christian too but you sure don't act like it.  

  3. and sarah and did not mention here anti jewis paster

  4. Lol

    Rev Wright is under the bus until November

  5. That would be political suicide.  If he did mention his self acclaimed mentor, Jeremiah Wright, not even the blatant liberal bias of the media would be able to spin their way out of that.


    I find it quite peculiar that the ultra left wing nut jobs answering this question telling you to "get over it", calling you a n**i, and trying to legitimize him with feeble reasoning like saying he "cut ties with him" are the same ones that will come after Palin with a verbal hatchet looking for any little thing to bash her with, whether it be true, untrue, relevant, or irrelevant.  They are what is called a flaming HYPOCRITE.  As if Obama "cutting ties" with Wright all of a sudden, just in time for the Democratic primaries (peculiar timing indeed), somehow negates his over 2 decade relationship with the vile radical racist, and no longer subscribes to the ideology preached behind the walls of the TUCC (not to mention his plethora of other past close ties with some very dubious characters).  You question a potential Commander In Chief's basic character (and rightfully so), and the loony radical left (which seems to make up the bulk of Obama supporters) will shout you down and foam at the mouth.  Don't let these bozos intimidate you.

  6. Which mentor?

    "Uncle" Frank Marshall Davis - Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Obama wrote about his Uncle's mentor-ship

    Michael Pflegler - Saint Sabina Catholic Church of Chicago

    Jeremiah A. Wright – Senior pastor of TUCC

    Zbigniew Brzezinski – Head of the Institute on Communist Affairs at Columbia University when Obama was a student there

    Austin Goolsby –  Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago AND a member of The Order of Skull and Bones at Yale

    ad nauseam

  7. Only the ignorant rehash irrelevant issues of the past. All politicians get in bed with the wrong people from time to time, simply to leverage their political aspirations. I'd rather Obama be in bed with the likes of Jeremiah Wright rather than a Charles Keating.

    Get over it.  

  8. At home watching Obama on TV and why do you care? Where's McCain's hate mongers: Bill Cunningham, Rod Parsley, John Hagee, and Pat Robinson ohn Hagee? John Hagee calling the Catholic church the great w***e and Reverend Rod Parsley believes America was founded to destroy Islam. }{

  9. I hate to break it to the Obama cool aide drinkers here, but Mccain has no racist pastor and Palin has no anti-semitic pastor.

    As for Barack, he is willing to throw anyone (even his own grandmother in that speech in Philadelphia last spring) to get elected. He would never do anything so stupid as to bring Rev Wright anywhere near his campaign.

  10. Could it be because they are no longer friends and Rev, Wright isn't his mentor anymore, Duh?  Obama resigned from the church over three or four months ago. You neocons like to stay on the same subject over and over again.  This is so old.  I thought the GOP was base on Christian values but you guys are the most mean spirited and unforgiving people. You want everyone to have compassion to Palin's daughter? Yes. you come here daily to bash Senator Obama. Let Rev. Wright or whoever be judge by God not man.  Yes, Palin's supports Right-Wing extremist racist Pat Buchanan.  We all know Pat just like George Bush and John McCain loves black people. >><<

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