
Why did the intolerant liberal biased NY Times refuse to print McCains editorial explaining his positions?

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"When you win wars, troops come home," McCain said. "He's been completely wrong on the issue. ... I have been steadfast in my position."

McCain wrote about Mr. Obama: “I am dismayed that he never talks about winning the war — only of ending it… if we don’t win the war, our enemies will. A triumph for the terrorists would be a disaster for us. That is something I will not allow to happen as president.”

Rasmussen discovers that “Belief [Is] Growing That Reporters are Trying to Help Obama Win.”




  1. The liberal biased media have become criminals in the way they rape America with their manufactured 'news'.

    Pravda is second best compared to the liberal biased media.

  2. Because they are the intolerant liberally biased NY Times. The mass media has pushed Omama hard in this election. They want to prove they can force someone on us despite the people. We need to show them they are wrong. Again.

  3. Fifteen months ago the NYT was supporting the Democratic candidate. And opposing the Republican candidate.  It is just not a serious topic of debate.   The staff seems to keep this superior attitude of being a neutral reporter of "all the news that is fit to be print."

  4. yeah thats so messed up!

  5. the NY Times policy is to not print op-eds that are written in crayon.

  6. they are not interested in his senile rants.

  7. McCain was asked to define what he means by success in Iraq, he refused to do so, the Times refused to run his column.

    People also need to remember that the NY Times endorsed John McCain for president.

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