
Why did the jewish wanted to settle in palestine israel?

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Why did the jewish wanted to settle in palestine israel?




  1. Because it's their land from the Bible.

  2. God gave them that land.

  3. The jews only comprise at most 1% of the US populace and that is being very generous on their behalf! Out of that 1% less than 50% actually vote! So at most they get 1.5 million votes to play with! And that is split once more because they are divided amongst NY, FL.and the west coast! So as a voting block they really have very little voting power to swing during an election! But they do have a sizable amount of funds to be directed where they choose!

  4. ever since they were exiled by the romans they have gone from country to country and every country they went to they settled into but a few hundred years later got chucked out. they werent safe anywhere in the world. apart from the land that the jewish nation was born in: israel. in the late 19th century when the persecution was so terrible lots of jews had the same idea that they should return to their homeland. this was called zionism as israel is often refured to as 'zion'. so heres the answer: to go back home, to a safe place.

  5. If you will check history you will find that a Roman Emperor changed the name of Israel to Palestine and removed the Jewish people from the area.  It was the Jewish homeland from the time God gave it to Abraham.  He is considered to be the Father to 3 different Religions.  In Rome and also in Babylon they have found facts that the Jewish Temple stood on the Temple Mount and that the Jewish people lived there.  So I understand them returning there. Also If you read the Bible it is prophesied that they would return to their homeland in the end times.  Everyone talks about how terrible Israel is and how they took the Palestinian peoples land.  It was part of British Palestine.   Several Middle Eastern nations was made out of that land.  Israel was suppose to get a much larger land grant but instead took less land to give the Palestinian people a homeland of their own.  Israel was attacked by 6 Muslim states May 15, 1948.  The day Israel became a nation.  The Muslim states received 99% of the land and Israel 1% so how are they so horrible considering this was all their land before Titus decided to destroy the Jewish Nation.

  6. In addition to all of the historic reasons above, they wanted their own homeland after the n**i attrocities of WWII. Most of the world was finally ready to grant them that.

  7. Because they are a terrorist state backed by the US.  They know as long as the US backs them, they can do anything they want.

    The only historical Israel was for a period of 100 years or so around 1000 BC.  Other than that, Israel did not reappear as a nation name until 1947.  I could just as well lay claim to Germany since my ancestors lived there in 1500.  Jews have NO claim to the land now called Israel.  In 1935 fewer than 39,000 jews lived in Palestine.  Even now there are only about 4 million.  The rest live in LA and NY

  8. Gods given land my foot. Anyone or any nation can come up with that argument. The bible was written by men not God and most of that is just fiction. To all the bible pushers I would say we live in this world not something that happened hundreds or thousands of years ago.Just for the record Israel was given to the Jews in 1947 and before that was a large part of Palestine

  9. The fact that it is their ancestral homeland might have had something to do with it.  Oh yeah, and that nobody was living there until the Jews got there and started building up the place really nice.  That's when all the arabs came looking to benefit from the economic development there before stabbing their golden geese by trying to kick them out of the middle east instead of living in peace with their new neighbours.

    Anyone who actually takes the trouble to research the history of the Foundation of the State of Israel would know this.  The Palestinian argument that the "Jews stole our land" is a joke and a lie.

  10. any us president cant say anything against isreal,due to the massive votes enjoyed by jews in usa

    1 bad word said against its terrorism,and your outvoted at election time and your life ruined

  11. We should stop backing Israel, and in fact leave the middle east to their own devices, but forbid them from leaving that area and coming to Europe and America.

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