
Why did the lake fish die?

by Guest45002  |  earlier

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me and my sister and my friend cought a littel fish from the lake.weput it in a tank when we got home it stade alive for 2 days and the next day it died why did it die?




  1. well first off if the tank wasn't cycled bad water conditions would have gotten to it also wild fish get stressed a lot when put into a tank so it could have been a combonation of the stress and the water conditions

  2. Many many possibilities. It could be any of the following, or even that it had a pre-existing disease or injury which made it easier for you to catch in the first place:

    -water temperature incorrect

    -water pH incorrect

    -chlorine or chloramine in the water you used (was it tap water?)

    -too many dissolved solids in tank water/water too hard

    -water pressure too low (if fish normally lives in deeper water)

    -simple stress from changing environment (even if conditions may have been perfect)

    -insufficient food or inappropriate diet

    -insufficient dissolved oxygen in the tank water

    -loss of protective slime coat when captured

    -unnoticed injuries caused by capture (improper netting, hooking or handling)

    -improper light cycle/insufficient light or dark in aquarium (induces stress)

    Or it could be a lot of other things...

    You should also know that in many places it is actually illegal to remove fish from a natural body of water and put them in a tank without a special license or approval. I'm not trying to ruin your fun, just letting you know that you should check and see if it is OK to do this.

    If you REALLY want fish as pets, the best thing might be to go to a pet store and get some feeder goldfish. You can get a dozen for a couple of dollars and they are easy to care for and keep alive, unlike a fish from a lake which may want a very specific environment that you can't recreate.

  3. the new environment was probably not close enough to the environment it left.  The tank's PH was probably bad and other things.

    It sounds like you didn't research fish well because fish are very delicate and can easily die because the water temperature is too cold or it was stressed from not getting to stay in its original home.  

    If you want a fish, research them well and then get one from the pet shop.

  4. you see fish from lakes and ponds can not live in a aquarium because of the Clorien.

  5. the fish you caught in the lake is not acclimatized to the water parameters that you have in your tank. its system might have got a shock from a different environment, what you could have done is quarantine the fish you caught using half water from the lake and another half from the water source you are using in your tank, that way, the fish will "get to know" the water parameters of your water slowly and get acclimatized with it =)

  6. Because you were not making their environment similar to that of the wild. What did you put it in? If was in a non established tank with fresh tap water that will also kill the fish. Never take fish from their natural habitat unless it is for the use of EATING. Unless you plan on going all out and making the tank very similar to that of theirs in the wild, DO NOT CATCH FISH AND KEEP THEM. They probably died from stress.

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