
Why did the media not mention Ron Paul?

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Why did the media not mention Ron Paul?




  1. He may have actually made some changes. That can't be allowed. The two candidates who were chosen for you will not .

  2. I think the republican party has been infiltrated by the same people that have been in control of the democrat party for some time now.

    And they or most of them don't want him run.

  3. Honestly cause they feel he is not a heavy hitter in the game for Presidency. Ron Paul is no Jesse Ventura of the Independent party.

  4. He's a nonentity, of no importance to the presidential election.  Look the guy is OLDER than McCain.

  5. I have been asking this same question.

    He is an amazing man who has some really good suggestions. He is also the only candidate who never changed his voting record (aka his beliefs).

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