
Why did the moon come out at night? why don't come at morning?

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Why did the moon come out at night? why don't come at morning?




  1. the moon uses the suns light to reflect so we can see it, its still out, but the sun is out too so we cannot see the reflection of the moon

  2. Its only appearing at night because when the Sun is shining, the Earth is facing the Sun, while at night, we are facing the moon.

  3. It does not give off its own light but reflects the light of the sun. Sometimes you can see the moon in the day if the angles are right but the moon is always there,spinning around the earth in its orbit. When it's not there it is on the other side of the earth.

  4. b/c if the moon came out in the morning the mornong would be night, it would be a might

  5. okay so somehow looking on a globe and moon and sun, you gotta remember that when your section of the world faces the sun, it's daylight and then when it turns to the other direction it's a night time, so I also think it takes a day for the moon to circle the Earth, sorta the same rule applies.

  6. The moon circles the earth, so somebody somewhere can see it, even in daytime.

  7. The Moon isn't just visible at night. It is often visible in the morning, and at other times of day as well. Haven't you ever noticed it? Pay more attention to the sky!

  8. Depending on the angle between the moon, the sun and the earth, the moon can be seen at night - following sunset or during the day leading the sun.  When the moon-earth-sun angle is small, the light of the sun falls mostly on the far side of the moon and we see the remainder as new moon or

    When the moon is full, the moon-earth-sun angle is about 180 degrees and light passes the earth to fall on the nearside of the moon making a full circle.

  9. the moon is out in the day sometimes, you just cant see it aswell because of the sun

  10. The is often out during the day.  On the fourth of July, while waiting for the fireworks to start I saw the crescent moon appear more than an hour before sunset.  Like other people said, sometimes the skyglow during the day is so bright the moon is hard to see.  Also, most people don't bother to look for it.  Most of the people I know, the only time they're outdoors is when they're driving from point A to point B.

  11. The moon rises about 1 hour earlier every day.  So sometimes it rises when the sun sets and sets when the sun rises and sometimes it rises and sets with the sun.  When it's up with the sun you can only see it during the early morning hours because the sun is so bright it hides the light from the moon like it hides the light from the stars.

  12. 1. Because it's very shy.

    2. In the morning it might get sunburned if it forgets its sunscreen.

    3. It is not really a morning type.

    4. If you had skin like that would you like people to see you in the daytime.

    5. Sometimes it sneaks out from behind a cloud during the day but not very often.

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