
Why did the name of the season's first hurricane begin with "B," do letters "A" & "B" alternate annually?

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I always thought they used the letters "A-Z" annually.




  1. well i was told the first of the year begin with a then the second be and the 3rd c and so on.

  2. There was a Tropical Storm called Alma earlier this year.

  3. thats bc this previous years hurrricane started with an "a". now this they start with a "b"and then the whole way through till they get to z

  4. Because they started naming tropical storms too, in addition to the actual hurricanes. This way  they can breathlessly cite an increase is storm activity, which no doubt, is the result of global warming. They don't acknowledge that historical records are no longer valid as a result of this change, because now they are not measuring the same things.

    The first storm of the year (Alma), did not reach hurricane strength, but no matter,they will count it anyway.

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