
Why did the neoconservative lie & say that the missile defense system in Eastern Europe is for Iran?

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Russia knew it was for them.

Iran? Please!!!! LMFAO




  1. I'm glad you can read minds and tell us what other people think...

  2. great question and don't let these idiots here at yahoo get to you,Bushco did lie about Iran  Bush is painting a picture of Iran that is false and Americans are buying it hook line and sinker,,the real mission of those so called defense missile <and just how would another country know for sure that they are just defensive missles> honestly government lies and the real mission of those missles is not known by the general public nor will it ever be but be sure its not cause anyone with a l**k of sense thinks Iran is aggressive and ready to strike out with missles on other countrys thats the most insane thing I can personally think of as a reason for such missles,I suspect its related to the Israel ZION factor . chow yours DINO

  3. It's the nature of the "Beast".


  4. ...and we knew it was for them.

    They have clearly demonstrated the necessity for it

    ...and Medvedev is more then a puppet LMFAO  ...everybody misleads

  5. Russia has more than enough missiles to overwhelm any missile defense system.  Single or Rogue missiles it can handle, but waves of way.

    Russia prefers to use tanks to invade its neighbors anyway, so any missile defense system is going to be useless against that.  Calling it a threat to Russian security is just an excuse to justify their Neo-Imperialist agenda.

  6. They have to protect Poland from those evil North Koreans.


    Because lying works for them. There are still enough of their followers who believe the Iraq war was justified.

    US claims that the missiles system is directed at Iran were recently debunked in an article published in the Blätter für deutsche and internationale Politik, Germany’s most widely read political and foreign policy journal.

    In a section of his essay entitled “The strategic logic of the missile shield,” author Hauke Ritz stresses that the stationing of the system in Poland and the Czech Republic “is not at all designed to intercept Iranian missiles”.

    Ritz points out that the Iranian military lacks any missiles with a range capable of reaching Europe and that it would require a long period of time to develop and build them. He also notes that the US State Department ruled out a Russian proposal for setting up a joint US-Russian anti-missile system in Azerbaijan, which could intercept and destroy any Iranian missile at the start of its flight path.

    The author concludes: “The fact that the US ruled out this compromise proposal permits only one conclusion: that the missile shield is directed first and foremost not against Iran, but against Russia. This is underlined by the fact that the other bases for the missile system are also located in border regions to Russia, for example Alaska.”

    In describing the role of the missile system, the article establishes that it is intended not as a deterrent against nuclear attack—along the lines of the Cold War build-up of a system of “mutually assured destruction” (MAD) - but rather as an essential component of a US first-strike strategy.

    “The strategic significance of the system consists of intercepting those few dozen missiles Moscow is capable of launching following an American first strike,” Ritz writes. “The missile system is therefore a crucial element in the attempt to develop a nuclear first strike capacity against Russia. The original plan is for the stationing of just ten interceptor missiles in Poland. But once the system is established, their number could be easily increased.”

    Finally, the author refers to an article in the US magazine Foreign Affairs in 2006 entitled “The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy,” which argues that the US currently has unique advantages in conducting nuclear war. Ritz concludes: “This article makes very clear the actual function of the missile system: it is to guarantee the US the capacity to carry out nuclear war without the risk of a counter-strike. If this capacity can be achieved then it can be employed as a geopolitical argument, in order to implement national interests.”

    Ritz’s analysis of the missile shield system as an essential component of a first-strike strategy underscores the enormous and growing danger that the escalating conflict between the US and Russia could unleash a nuclear conflagration.

    Leading Russian military figures and politicians have reacted furiously to the missile shield agreement. Last Friday, General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, the Russian armed forces’ deputy chief of staff, described the pact as an act of aggression against Russia and warned Poland that it was leaving itself open to retaliation—and possibly even a nuclear attack. “Poland, by deploying [the system] is exposing itself to a strike—100 per cent,” he said.

  8. That's the same Cheney/Gates plan. Europeans hate Bush but want to trade with Russia. In order to unite NATO against Russia US decided to provoke Russia to actions and threats - that will 'show' Europeans "how dangerous Russia is". Looking at Italy, France and Germany, europeans are not especially in a hurry to trade Russia (with gas and oil) for idiot Bush.

  9. reading these answers is starting to make me sick.....most of them are so stupid and ignorant its pathetic....

    keep buying bush's lies....and watch what is coming....

    it wont be long before they turn there guns on the american people......

    bush's whole two terms has been lie and is working towards a fascist agenda......

    wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Those systems are intended to stop a very small number of missiles.  Last time I checked, Russia has more than a couple.

  11. Iran has proved they have multi-stage vehicle capabilities and for all we know are working on a nuclear weapons program. Russia has been up to no good for more than just this Georgia invasion. Our government doesn't publicly tell us everything for a reason. Our enemies watch satellite tv too. There is a method to our government's me. There is a lot of Top Secret stuff that the media has no idea about.

  12. The very name of the thing is misleading. The so-called missile "defense" system is, in fact, an offensive weapons system that can be used to make pre-emptive strikes against any nation that doesn't kow-tow to the American Empire.

  13. who knows anymore. Russia has showed its hand too by invading Georgia so maybe the USA was right

  14. Doesn't matter who its for , POLAND can do whatever POLAND wants to do , they don't have to do what Russia wants.

    And its a DEFENSIVE system , it can't be used for Offense. So Russia is mad because if they decide to attack Poland that they will have a better defense.....

  15. After you read the USAFE OPLAN, come back to Y/A

  16. Let's see now.  The Islamic revolution, with it's home in Iran, has said:

    It is our duty before Allah to Conguer Rome and Britain, destroy the United States, convert or kill the infidels, restore Persia and destroy the Kufir.

    Yeah, you're right, no need to fear any weapons from Iran.

  17. If Russia thinks the missile shield is against them, then perhaps they've been planning something all along.

    Or maybe they should have been nicer to their neighbors in the past...maybe their neighbors wouldn't be so anxious to allign themselves with the USA.

  18. Because Iran IS more likely to be the ones to fire against Europe VS Russia.  In spite of the idiot media, Russia is more responsible than that.  

  19. Its for Iran, Russia and China. All three of these countries are rogue states that have capability of launching ballistic missiles into Europe. Two and potentially all three of them have nuclear warheads.

    The neoconservatives aren't lying, they just aren't telling the whole truth. But do you disagree with them?

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