
Why did the news outlets stop covering the DC madams mysterious suicide?

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Right after (it happened) I was watching Nancy Grace get all fired up about the strangeness of the ladies murder, umm opps I mean suicide. I couldn't wait to see what she uncovered then the next night the story was just gone. Everyone just stopped talking about it. I don't think its right for people in high places to pay for hookers then kill the hooker's pimp when they get caught??




  1. First off -- Nancy Grace is a Disgrace.

    I wonder just how good a lay the DC madam was herself to be driven to such extreme measures.

  2. Too much political pressure... a lot of hoses get wet in DC

  3. The same reason they have stopped covering the 1968 Democratic convention. Old news. The world has moved on to other more important things than some hooker's death by whatever. She is now in the realm of nutty conspiracy theorists like yourself.

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