
Why did the % of Hillary supporters who plan to vote for Obama jump from 70 to 81 after the DNC convention?

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I'm expecting Obama basher's to say polls do not matter so go ahead, I won't be surprised.




  1. A lot of them probably realized how close Obama & Hillary are on the issues.  After all the talk of ALL the Clinton supporters are now voting for McCain because they're bitter...well that theory is shot isn't it..haha.  

  2. Plain and simple their seats were super wet and they know Barack can deliver!

  3. That's a fluid demographic.

    The McCain campaign expected that most of the Hillary voters would eventually vote for the Democratic ticket.

    There are a lot who won't.

    They were either going to stay home or vote for McCain.

    That second group is the one in play.

    That's a substantial enough group in swing States that it can turn the entire election which is why the Obama campaign is trashing Palin.

    Remember that you are only talking about 18 million DEMOCRATS when you talk about "hillary voters."

    In 2004, 122 million people voted.

    There are a h**l of a lot of other women and men who are "soft" Democrats who didn't care about Hillary or Obama, Independents and Republicans who are liking Palin.

    They identify with her and her family, far more than they ever will with Hillary or any elitist Democrats.

    They're the ones Obama insulted as "bitter" bigots, "clinging" to their guns and bibles.

    That's when he started losing in Middle America by huge margins.

    So stick your head in a bowl of arugula.

    I'm going out to the shooting range.

  4. Because Hillary told them to vote for him

  5. Good question?????? But you answered it, polls are not correct.  

  6. I don't know that is last weeks news.

    I will wait and see what tomorrow's news will bring. Ask your question again tomorrow see if it changes your numbers.

  7. Because Hillary begged them to.

    Intelligent, informed voters don't pay attention to polls...guess you wouldn't know that.

  8. Because McCain hadn't announced Palin yet. Your news is a week old. What is it today?

    BTW - Losing 20% of the voters is enough to ensure a McCain/Palin victory.



  9. you believe msn i.e obama news network girl thats never going to happen the hill people who were p****ssedd that obama stole the nomination from alice, then hill and not going to choose him over the next woman palin. and obama is ultra left and not that similar to hill

  10. The Bradley effect.

  11. Because Mccain chose Palin for his running mate and they decided that she was an empty suit and a playgirl for the men to gawk over for four years.

  12. those were democratic Clinton supporters.  it must be remembered that some of ms Clinton's supporters were Republicans.  those are the ones running to mcShame's camp.

  13. Because that is not true...just media hype.

  14. Because Hillary told them who to vote for!

  15. Because the women that suported Hillary don't agree on the issues with McCain-Palin.  McCain thought that because he selected a woman, we were going to vote for him, but I have news for McCain, the only thing Hillary has in common with Palin is a v****a.


  16. Because they were going to anyway!!!!

    Now that McBush has picked Palin, even more will jump over to join our Obama Nation!!!

    -Obama '08

  17. Two reasons: Hillary asked them to vote for Obama, and so did Bill.  Then came the third reason: McCain's ridiculous pander with Sarah Pale-in-comparison.

  18. cause the clintons did the right thing and went full force for the only choice who is not bush no real clinton supporters ever wanted McSame just

    lyin republicans

  19. Each party will see a jump after their convention.  Come Friday and Saturday you will see things balance out again.

    By the way, tell God I said hi the next time you talk to him.

  20. Dont worry, they will turn on him come November 4th. I find it funny that the Republican base supports McCain 89 percent.

    While the DEMS support Obama 73 percent.

    Also, I doubt God is a DEM. Why would he approve of the killing of defenseless babys (Abortion)?

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