
Why did the people in ancient times build buildings trying to reach the sky?

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if they didn't have some reason to believe that there was something up UFOs? (ex. Tower of Babel etc)

Is there anything about this being associated with UFOs in books about the history of UFOs? How far does the history of UFOs go back?(This is all one question...It's just an illusion if it looks like




  1. Trere are quite a lot of temples built on high mountains - particularly in the East, But none display a want for large towers - maybe they are considered close enough.

    Egypt aslo has it's mountains - Gebel Katrina at 2642Metres - so why not use this?

    Maybe the pyramids perform another use.

    It is easy to see that a pile of dry sand naturally forms a pyramid shape - and square blocks are easier to form than a cone.

    It could be that the earliest burials of their dead - were simply piles of rocks and stone - the more prominent the leader - the bigger the pile - so to create your own pile of rock - bigger than any other would be an Ego thing to symbolise your importance after death. There is probably a security issue too, because they would have been buried with provisions for the afterlife - the bigger- the less likely it was to be robbed from them.

    Something rather strange seems to happen around the pyramids though - Because of changes in air density and wind patterns - a static discharge is often noted at the top ( - Siemens 1847)

    This would bee seen as the connection to God himself.

    If an insulated copper cable was run down the pyramid - through one of the "star shafts" - and grounded inside on earthed carbon rods - the Pyramid interior would be floodlit in certain conditions - LET THERE BE LIGHT!

    Towers and electricity could well have been used - even before they knew the process - as a demonstration of God's power - giant lightning conductors.

  2. As far as I know, the Tower of Babel was built to get to heaven, but as it got closer and closer, God struck it down, and no one in the area could understand each other anymore. Hence the term that when someone is speaking too quickly to be understood, they're said to babble.

    I honestly can't say that they built it to be used like a lighthouse or control tower for UFOs. That sounds a little off to me.

    Most other towers were built either to reach heaven (alive or dead) or as a way to learn more about the heavens themselves (movements of stars, planets, etc.)

    Hope that helps.

  3. Defense.The pyramid is the safest place to be during a desert battle.

  4. The Tower of Babel was a symbol of man's pride so God destroyed it and scattered people abroad.

  5. well,its preety simple!

    in the olden days i mean like durin the age of the pharaohs and beyond they built really tall buildings because height symbolised the pinnacle of power!!and each civilization was trying to outdo the other!!besides it would also  prove to be a great defence structure during times of war and i dont think it was built to reach heaven!maybe to appease the gods or something like that!!

    guess the pyramids was one of the few such structures that survived cause its pyramidical and its very stable![the ancient egyptians were very advanced]the other tall buildings would have just disintegrated with time due to natural disasters or war!

  6. Some people believed that the Sun or Moon was God, so I guess they tried to reach that?

    Plus they might of just built a tall building to be able to see far for military purposes or the like, only place that can't really be understood yet is the 'Stone Henge' since it couldn't be remade by scientists tryin to repeat it with the same technology they had, add in the fact they had to drag rocks for 20-40 miles with man-power....       ....Why Build it? There was no real need?

  7. The only tower I know of that was an attempt to reach the sky is the tower of babel, which was an attempt to reach heaven or God or something along those lines.

  8. when they built the tower of babel, they were trying to reach God. The scriptures always describe god as being in the clouds. Think about the cloud that lead the Israelites across the desert. =). I dont think it had anything to do with UFOs.

    I dont know how far back the history of UFO's goes.

  9. A building may not have been built for the purpose of trying to reach the sky just because someone said or wrote that was the purpose.  In ancient times as in the present, misunderstanding other people and their motives was prevalent.

  10. Well, I don't think a tall building will help you see UFOs any better than being on open ground.

    I think that buildings might have been built tall for several reasons: religion - as a tribute to a god; defense - to see the enemy coming; grandeur - to give a city the image of power and wealth; nobility - since the noble fancied themselves above the masses and would want to live that way as well; real estate - as cities get crowded the only way to build is up; ego - some people just want the biggest :)

    EDIT: The pyramids don't have any kind of magnetic force. It's possible that some may have built a tall building because they thought the stars were only a few hundred yards away, but by the time of the ancient Greeks they already knew the stars were a tremendous distance away. Besides, a trip to the hills would dispel the idea that building a tall building will get you any closer to the stars.

  11. they werejust retarded

  12. no. do you think people today build to reach the skies? its just human nature

  13. Curiosity... A desire to know the unknown

  14. They wanted to go home...

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