
Why did the republicans blast Kerry in 2004 for being in Vietnam?

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But turn around last night and praise McCain for being in Vietnam?

Also, I find it very interesting that McCain is a veteran and POW yet he has done NOTHING for his fellow veterans. Disagree? Please tell me exactly what he has voted for to improve our veterans.




  1. They didnt  they blasted him for exaggerating about his service in vietnam

  2. They didn't blast him for being in Vietnam.

    They blasted him for blasting troops when he got home!

  3. Kerry was criticised by the swift boat veterans.

    McCain has a son in Iraq. Us military people see things different than you guys. We see the military and country as more important. Our troops are self-less and dont care about kickbacks

  4. because a lot of them weren't in you know...guilty conscience and all....

  5. Not just Kerry, they also called Max Cleland 'unpatriotic' after he lost his limbs fighting for our country. "Purple heart band-aids" at the RNC led me to never again vote republican. I could NEVER be associated with a group of people who would do such a thing or a leadership that would allow an entire group of people supporting them to do such a thing.  

  6. Many of us changed our minds after the fact, those that served have that right.  Kerry saw what I and many others saw and spoke out against the war, as are many that have served in the Middle East.  We see things through a different prism.

    I could never support one that would send our troops to war for a lie, that is one of the reasons I would never support John McCain, and that is why i never supported little georgie bush.  The AWOL 1st Lt. from the TANG.

  7. Giuliani : noun, verb, 9/11

    McCain : noun, verb POW

  8. That's why Enough is Enough.

  9. They ripped on him for using Vietnam as a movie set to get political brownie points, exagerating his "purple heart" injuries, then having the nerve to come back in front of Congress and give treasonous statements while REAL soldiers were still being held prisoner.

    I don't think any political party has ever ripped on any other politician for serving in Vietnam.

    8 year veteran - Oh, and I don't need non-military folks sticking up for me, thanks.

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