
Why did the strap you down when they put you in a gas chamber and put to death? **10 points**?

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i dont understand it, doesnt make any sense to me

i mean your already locked in so you cant get out...

also... does any1 have any sites i can look at about it ?

i think its a horrible way to die but just interested in it





  1. Would you just set there knowing that someone was going to kill you and not try to stop them some way like punch kick bite or what ever it took to stop them. Also it is less of a mess for them to clean up.

  2. It's for the benefit of the people watching. Gassing is an unpleasant thing to witness with the inmate strapped down, according to accounts of witnesses. For more details try "Death At Midnight: The Confession of An Executioner" by Donald Cabana, "The Last Face You'll Ever See" by Ivan Solotaroff and "Until You Are Dead: Book of Executions" by Frederick Drimmer. Donald Cabana was warden at Parchman Prison when the gassings of Edward Earl Johnson and Connie Ray Evans were carried out in the mid 1980s. Ivan Solotaroff's book also focuses on Parchman, and the BBC documentary "Fourteen Days in May" which tells the story of Edward Earl Johnson, and Frederick Drimmer's book features lots of details on different methods of execution and is very informative. Enjoy.

  3. i don't get why they even go through all that trouble, why not just shoot em in the head, or instead of strapping them down why not put like 100 death row inmates in one room and gas em all

  4. Sorry I don't have any sites for you to look at.

    Its better to have the person strapped down to keep them in one place so that they are not moving all over the place.  It is a safety issue as much as it is an issue of keeping them in one place.   It also keeps them from attempting to break up the inside of the chamber.  Example:  So that they can not break the chair loose from the floor, then try to pick up the chair and throw it through one of the windows.  

    Also it makes it easier for them to monitor the person, when it is over.  So that should the person not be executed by the procedure they will not just go running out of the chamber when the doctor goes in there to check their heart to see that they have in fact been executed.  

    They don't want or need total chaos when doing some thing such as this.  It has to be an orderly procedure when it is taking place.  After all there will be those people who would be viewing the entire procedure.

  5. I have no sites, but you can look it up on yahoo or google. I think they strapped you so that if you are able to knock down the doors or something you can't. It is horrible isn't it! Maybe so you would suffer more!

  6. it was what the were gonna do with corrie ten boom. but they let her go by accident :D hitler told them to do it if they disobeyed him or read the bible. it was horrible! :O

  7. So you don't hurt yourself.

  8. so that when the cyanide drops into the acid you will suffer less because the gas rises up from under the chair and if you weren't strapped down you would b able to move away from the gas and therefore suffer more. i would prefer they use either the chair or lethal injection both of which are more humane but i also think that capital punishment needs to be used more

  9. When gassed, your body has spasms, it's to keep you from doing the funky chicken all over the chamber.

  10. It just prevents people from struggling, resisting and generally causing a scene.  The more orderly the murder of an inmate is the less shameful the State looks I guess.

  11. You are strapped down because the body will start jerking around and flip flop everywhere.

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