
Why did the universe produce life?

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Why did the universe produce life?




  1. So that the human being could evolve to a better afterlife.

  2. The universe is alive and we are part of the same creative impulse.

  3. because it was better than what went before and because  everything gets better.

  4. This is a faith and religious question.

  5. Simply because the conditions were right. The universe is not a conscious entity or being nor is it guided by such. There doesn't have to be a reason, purpose, or deeper meaning for everything. Everything that (has) happens(ed), and everything that exists, is so due to the natural physical laws to which we all are bound by.

  6. God Almighty created everything!  Why?  To worship Him!

  7. because it felt lonely and bored!

  8. Why? No reason at all.

    Life got created by natural processes and natural laws that govern this very natural world. No intelligent creator. No divine reason. No divine guidance. No afterlife. There is just no reason. Period.

    The thing is most people's reasoning is so locked up within the framework of obvious and observable causality. Thus, to them, complex beings could only be intelligent creation for certain of reason or intention. I beg to differ.

  9. In order to experiment by giving it the power to destroy itself.

  10. There is no why to your question.  Living things do things for a reason.  Acts of nature happen naturally. To ask why implies a creator, which is how I view our existence.

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