
Why did the yahoo taliban remove UNGER'S question. I guess they don't believe in free speech, huh ?

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Why did the yahoo taliban remove UNGER'S question. I guess they don't believe in free speech, huh ?




  1. Free speech doesn't apply here. Yahoo is privately owned.

  2. oh gosh, you didn't hear, we aren't supposed to say  or question anything that can/would reflect negatively on the leader of the cult. On here free speech is not allowed. I hope that answers your question.

  3. Because Yahoo alows it to happen by allowing users to "report" and have others questions or answers removed. Sometimes it takes 2 or three "Reports" but other only require a single "trusted" user, not an employee to "censor" "your" input. I have complained more than once to yahoo but to no avail. Everyone who disagrees with the process should contact Yahoo and complain. This is Censorship at it's worst!

    BTW Yahoo is a Private company but it operates on a public network called the "Internet" and is subject to some FCC oversight. Freedom of speech does not include malicious slander but does protect political views so lang as they do not malicously slander another.

    Proud Vet

  4. the answer to this is pretty simple..There are. two things you don't s***w with ,Obama. the Great.and Y/A . I have found that out. "The Hard Way' take my word for it. .But then again I am hard headed.

  5. A person once bad mouthed another in the name of free speech. The end result was that he just lost his ability to make any speech. There is nothing that is free. There is a sense of responsibility and accountability attached to it. True freedom of anything has to be within the law. For example, I am not free to jump from an airplane without a parachute because violating the law of gravity will get me killed. Similarly, shouting "fire" when there is none in a crowded theater in the name of free speech will get you in deep trouble.

  6. You're on a private site. Free speech doesn't apply here.

  7. They use the model circa late 1930's Germany, You will be reported to the Gestapo, and if you argue you will be shot!  Or at the very least you'l lose 10 of those precious points.  So watch out, the walls have eyes !!! lol

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