
Why did these americans laugh so much when a man walked in and then out of a female restroom?

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I am from england and in Animal Kingdom in Florida this man walked into a female restroom and three women were laughing and taking the p**s out of him really badly but in a friendly manner. Why did they overreact so much? is this common in american society?




  1. I agree with the two people above me.

    If you are in America and you walk into the wrong bathroom for your s*x, then you are going to have to expect to get laughed at or even cursed at. I remember when a man walked into a women's restroom (probably on accident) and he left immediately after receiving some very dirty looks from the women in there.

    So sometimes we think it's funny, and sometimes we'll get mad. But I wouldn't consider laughing to be an overreaction.

  2. Generally speaking men do not go into women's restrooms.  It could be embarrassing.

  3. In america, restrooms mainly arent co-ed. Unsure how it is in other countries. But that is probably the source of the humor. Americans as I know it, arent use to co-ed bathroom situations which makes it out of the ordinary and comical.  

  4. you see, in america thats the reason we HAVE men and women's bathrooms. this is not a normal everyday thing that a man would go into a womans bathroom.

    many tourists go to florida, especially out of the country so maybe the man did not know.

    as for everyone else, they are all correct.

    thumbs up for u guys :)

  5. They may have been laughing, because it could happen to any of us.

  6. This is not a normal occurrence in America.  We almost always have segregated bathrooms.  The exception would be "family" restrooms, but they're less common.  Even if you don't speak the language, there are pictures on the door to indicate either "male" or "female".  I'm really surprised they were laughing as opposed to screaming and slapping the s**t out of him.  We're not comfortable with the "co-ed" idea.

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