
Why did they fly airplanes into the World Trade Center?

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Why do they hate America and Israel so much? I mean what's the history behind this type of violent act that killed so many innocent people.




  1. ok first of all dont listen to the retards telling u all muslims are bloodthirsty demons

    second the people that are crazy and go bombing people like that do it because ur not muslim and their god will reward them if they blow u up

    third why regular muslims hate israel is because they take over muslim land, force the people out of their houses, etc etc. obviously that pisses them off and eventually someone in the muslim country blows up a israeli. then the country is invaded their land taken and the people of the country are forced to live as second class citizens, then the israelis say look what the terrorists made us do! (israelis are making the problems in the middle east worse)

  2. Al Qaeda was formed when, after the First Gulf War, Saddam refused to disband his army. This made Saudi Arabia very nervous and they asked the US to keep a presence there to keep Saddam from getting any funny ideas.

    Osama Bin Laden got pretty mad about this because he considered the majority of soldiers to be American Infidels, so he formed Al Qaeda. Which proceeded to bomb many places outside the US but OF the US, military bases, and diplomatic stations. But since most Americans didn't seem to really care about something that happens so far away even though it involved americans, he decided to try it here in a horrible act of terrorism.

    As for Israel, many countries hate Jews for no reason, mainly because of the differences in religion, although Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same exact GOD.

    Just remember Palestine was only a place and not a people before Israel was formed.

  3. It was an act of terrorism to cause maximum damage with maximum loss of life. A well thought out plot using civil aircraft as the "bomb". All they had to do was hijack 4 planes at the same time and direct them to the planned target. The pilots were terrorists who had minimum training which is why the Twin Towers were the planned target as, because of their size, were clearly visable even to untrained eyes. It has been suggested that the White House was to be a target also but ,due to the bravery of the passengers, it crashed in a field well short of its target. Terrorists hate all Western Countries but surprisingly like living in them. Two faced basta*ds.

  4. Israel took their land and america supported it in the 50's

  5. To get to the other side of course. REALLY? What do YOU think????

  6. The people are poor.

    The people ask why most of us are poor while some of us are rich.

    The rich tell the clerics to say its the fault of the USA. Its easy to lie if the poor are getting restless and you stand to lose your position of privelege.

    Eventually the poor people believed 'em.

    Down with the US, the Great Satan, they cried.

    And someone flew airplanes into the world trade center.

    Jealous of our materially rich lifestyle;

    Hatred of our 'godless' ways; and,

    Intolerant of anything but their way.

    Ignorance is a weapon of mass destruction.

  7. because they were there.

  8. Well, the government did it.

      I mean living on the otherside of the world, you could probably see that the american government is doing their fair share of scaring the public of muslims as Iran and other extreamist states are of scaring thier public of americans.

    I'm just saying, they really did have no reason of crashing planes into the towers. And everyone knows it. But the big guys in charge really don't care, now it's 7 years later and more peoples minds are begining to change back around on their side, with the lies and the media, I just say belive what you want, but just put the freaking peices together in your minds people...Bush's family is tied in with oil, most of the oil comes from the middle east.

    If you really do have all the facts in your mind, it makes a HUGE circle and you find yourself beliving what you hear on TV and start beliving in facts...

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