
Why did they have such old competitors? The ice skating competition on ITV tonight was spoilt by having so?

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many older women competitors. Why couldnt we have beautiful girls as they do in the dancing competitions?? It wouldnt be bad if they could skate but they looked so clumsy and their costumes were very guady except for one or two of them.




  1. can it be that you were watching an adult figure skating competition where the competitors are all over 25 or 28 or something? there are plently of young world class skaters including caroline zhange (14), mao asada (18 now?), as with yu-na kim, theres kimmie meissner, emily hughes, carolina kostner, sarah meier and many more

  2. Skating is not just a sport for the young.  I am in my mid-fifties, and compete regularly against people of my own level.  The oldest person against whom I have ever skated was then 86 years old!

  3. Do you mean Dancing on Ice?

    I think in those dance/singing competitions (out here anyway), those "young" girls and guys are seriously trying to make it in the industry.  

    These "older" skaters are NOT trying to make it in skating . . . part of the appeal is too see how a non-skater can train to skate "like" a star and compete in such a short amount of time.  Most "dreamers" would never even get this opportunity - so it's fun to watch someone else go throught that.  

    Well, some will think it's exciting, some will think it's silly.  In any case, it sure makes you appreciate the REAL talent that is out there.    

    I think the same goes for those celebrity dance matches too.  Part of the appeal is watching these "stars" go through the process.  I haven't watched Dancing on Ice, but when I look through the list of celebrities that are on there . . . I honestly don't know who most (if not all) of them are.  It would be more appealing to me if the contestants were big time stars whom everyone knows.

    Then again, how many big time stars would really want to risk injury or potentially not look good in front of milliions of viewers?  Hee hee.

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