
Why did they leave the Greyhound victim to die?

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I don't think that women or children should have to do anything, but there were at least 5 other grown men on that bus. Why did only one passenger try to help? Yes, the insane freak had a knife, but surely he could have been over-powered, he was out numbered by a lot. No one tried, though. Why?




  1. I think it is inappropriate and unhelpful at this point for you to try to second-guess and character-judge people or a situation when you were not there.

  2. I'm like you.  Guess I'm the only one.  The guy had a knife, not an UZI.  And we know there were MEN on that bus.. Think of the 9/11 plane attack - United 93 - where the guys were going to try to take out terrorists.

    But not one person thought of helping this young kid.. and in my opinion why?  Because they had a way out, they didn't have to.

    We're Canadians who don't usually act like this, and no we don't need guns, we need to start looking out for each other a little more.

    And I mean that then, and in an everyday sense.

    God Bless.

  3. honestly you have to put yourself in there shoes would you have run and jumped on a crazy that had a sort of knife that if he would have turned to protect himself there would have been more than one death that night that poor victim so young ... the thing is those people were sleeping they wake up to the sound of a scream so horrible that the only thought you have in your mind is omg run its sad that no one could help the poor guy but i think when it comes to people like that pshyco there is hardly anyway of stopping him unless some one was carring a gun i hope they punish that piece of ****....  

  4. You go overpower a mentally ill man with a machete in a time of extreme confusion and tell me how it goes.

    Judgmental much? Three men tried to contain the man with the knife, he threw a severed head at them.

  5. It probably happened very fast and people just panicked.  Some of the passengers did contain the man in the bus so he couldn't flee and hurt anyone else.  It's natural instinct for humans and animals to flee from danger.  It's self-preservation.  People can sit and criticize all they want but none of us could say with certainty what we would have done in this situation.  You have to be very confident that you can successfully overpower the perpetrator or else the knife will be turned on you.  Why are you excusing the women?  An able-bodied adult female could have possibly disabled this person.  Even armed, trained policeman usually don't take down knife-wielding killers by hand.  These passengers were most likely unarmed and untrained so why expect them to do it?

  6. **It's easy for us to sit here and say that the other passengers should have done this or should have done that but at the end of the day unless you were in that situation yourself you wouldn't totally understand what it was like and how you would react.

    Everyone was probably is such shock that the only thing that they could think about was escaping that bus before they were the next victim.  It all happened so fast that the victim was probably beyond help before they all got off the bus as it was.**

  7. The witnesses response was perfectly normal, unless you have experience with violence of this type, and few people in Canada have, shock and paralysis is going to be the typical response. Frankly, they handled it better than many people would have, they were able to trap the guy and keep him on the bus until the authorities arrived.  And from my readings, the victim was beyond help very quickly, so it's simply not a case of "leaving him to die."

  8. When in fear or threatened many people are frozen and unable to move. Not everyone reacts like a superhero but that doesnt make them cowards.  

  9. They were all in shock.  One minute quietly sitting their in their own thoughts and the next a man is screaming and another is acting like a robot and slashing him.  The driver stopped and they exited.  There wasn't much anyone could do.  When a person is demonstating so much rage , the only thing that probably could stop him would be a taser or some such.  I don't think the average person could have done it without more injuries or deaths.  Survival .

  10. Simple answer ----They are not civil defence trained.  They were too shocked to do anything -----no crisis mgt training or experience ---Don't know what to think and what to do.    It is a pity to have such people in the society when we are now living in a terrorist world ---- anything can happen anytime ----be prepared.   See the 9-11 incident but didn't learn anything because they always ask: "What will happen to me, Not me ---OTHERS?    To delete this happening, start CIVIL DEFENCE TRAINING FOR ALL CITIZEN TO GET THEM READY AT ALL TIME>>

  11. this happend in canada and they dont know how to fight . now if this happend in new york or california he would of  had a bad day because were the crazzy violent americans that love to play with guns.

  12. I agree with "Utopia"'s answer. And from what I've read, the murderer was over 6 feet, at least 250 pounds and had been repeatedly stabbing the victim by the the time everyone realized what was happening and got up and tried to leave.

    No-one can play arm-chair quarterback and say what should have happened.

    To be awakened from sleep with such a horrific sight must have been shocking.  

  13. Just imagine that, then don't forget cops with stab vests would not try and take him into custody for four hours. Imagine men who know something about dealing with a armed and dangerous person took four hours to plan and go in and capture the armed man. So your expecting people with no experience to do what the police took four hours to do in seconds. I can tell you as a person who has dealt with violent people on a bus they done the right thing of getting off. In a confined space like that the person with the knife has the advantage. he knows what he will do if you come near him. You don't know if he will just shrink and give in and by the sounds of things from reports he was highly aggistated for four hours and was still to much of a risk.  

  14. there was no neuro surgin on board to stitch his head back on.

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