
Why did they still charge Anwar?

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since Anwar has evidence to proof that he is meeting with 5 ppl and

not with Saiful during the report time and has Doctor proof that saiful was not sodomise before




  1. that depends how other want to play him

  2. Cos if he becomes PM, they will be in big trouble for offences like corruption & abuse of name a few...

  3. They are threatened by the ever-growing power of Anwar. That's why. They will do just about anything to get rid of him...even to the extent of najibing him.

  4. 1. They are anwar-phobic

    2. Already passed a point of no return

    3. Desparate

    4. Muka tak malu

    5. Permatang Pauh by-election was not included in the 'script' and don't have 'script B' unfortunately (sure la...1998 script where got by-election?)

    6. To show/proof /convince the world they are stupid (they really don't know the world had already convinced 10 years ago)

    7. )(*&^%$#@!!!!!!!!

  5. Agree with those who've posted before me. Honestly, I can't wait for all these high profile drama to be over and see Saiful and his funky 'aunty' be charged in return. Maybe the counter blow should be twice as hard since this is absolutely an unfounded case and all I can say is "shame on you".

    Saiful, if you're reading this, 'demi Allah, Agama dan Negara'... please repent your sins. First you alleged it was rape and now, consensual relationship? Which is which? Were you actually being boned by your 'aunt' instead? Get a life, damnit!

    Oh yeah, demi Allah, Agama dan Negara, I would like to remind you these verses from the Koran for your personal reference. I'm no Muslim for sure, but these words are a good reminder for you and your funky 'aunty' out there;

    “Usirlah mereka dari kotamu ini, sesungguhnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang berpura-pura mensucikan diri. Kemudian Kami selamatkan dia dan pengikut-pengikutnya kecuali istrinya; dia termasuk orang-orang yang tertinggal (dibinasakan). Dan Kami turunkan kepada mereka hujan (batu); maka perhatikanlah bagaimana kesudahan orang-orang yang berdosa itu.” [QS Al-A'raf:80-84].

    “Maka tatkala datang azab Kami, Kami jadikan negeri kaum Luth itu yang di atas ke bawah (Kami balikkan), dan Kami hujani mereka dengan batu dari tanah yang terbakar dengan bertubi-tubi, yang diberi tanda oleh Tuhanmu, dan siksaan itu tiadalah jauh dari orang-orang yang zalim” [Hud : 82-83]

  6. he say they r burning the the whole  forest to save their one tree

    it simply means UNO is too desperate not to lose

  7. people don like him n wan tuduh him...

  8. Is " LAW " when some body make report to police, and there think the report is " true ". and for Anwar case is handle by so many top man behind , in order not to " loss the jobs " better charge him at this moment ! is polices force answer to some once , " force " to do so.

  9. Mahathir also confessed he set Anwar up 10 yrs ago, what do u expect now............

  10. I'm not a fan of Anwar but I dont like that Saiful guy.

  11. The governmebt is lawless, or they do not know their laws...double standards is practised - one law for them, another law for the other...concrete evidence not enyertained, here-say allowed....

  12. This is a politically-charged case. They are concerned about his rise in power and influence so they have to do something drastic before it is too late. If Anwar says he has the evidence, then he better show it quick so that this case can be squashed.


  13. they want the 'rasuah' money

  14. what anuar and maikel jekson have in common?

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