
Why did this happen to my mollys Please i need some answers?

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Someone please help my i was just wondering why this happened so here goes one of my female mollys was acting very weird she was showing signs of birth and it took her a week to have here fry and when she had them i dont know if they where born dead or what because they were lying at the bottom of the tank none of them survived nor did the mother and im wondering if the other fish killed her and hert her fry because none of them were alive and also the next day my male molly died and im just wondering if my other 2 female mollys killed him and my other molly please answer my uestion




  1. im sorry i cant answer your question but you can purchase a holder tank  to keep exspecteding mothers in at your local wallmart or fish and pet shop that might help you in your keeping  your babys alive the next time

  2. had the other fish killed the fry you wouldn't have found them they would have just ate them whole I also doubt the other fish killed the male

    I would advise checking your water conditions test mainly for ammonia

    it sounds like a case of water conditions catching up possiably

    with out any other type of info it is really more of a guessing game as to what happened

    had you cleaded the tank just before this started ?? could be a major temo change shocked them

    just so ideas I would first look at the ammonia.nitrite,levels if they are higher than 0 then it means the tank isn't cycled and is the most likley cause

  3. Wow.. well first of all, I'm sorry for your loss.

    Most likely the mother had complications with her delivery and passed away from the strain of being in labor for so long with nothing happening.

    More than likely some babies were expelled, or perhaps pecked out by the other fish?

    Pretty gruesome I know..

    But there was nothing you could have done to help her besides maybe massaged her abdomen, but then again that might have stressed her out even more, causing death by stress.

    Who knows really what happened?

    But I'm sorry about that, dont let it get you down though!

  4. First of all you need to check your water quality. And do you have aquarium salt in the water? Molly's like 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water. It also helps when they give birth. Have you seen your other mollies attacking them? Check out this website for more info

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